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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 26.0.43 -- Available Here  (Read 1965 times)


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JRiver Media Center 26.0.43 -- Available Here
« on: March 29, 2020, 07:04:03 am »

This is a new build of JRiver Media Center 26.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Download 32-bit build (works on all systems)

Download 64-bit build (works on 64 bit systems only)

26.0.43 (3/27/2020)

1. Fixed: Stopping after the next track advanced two tracks instead of one in build 42.
2. Changed: Removed the option to advance after stopping after a track (now always advances).

26.0.42 (3/27/2020)

1. Fixed: Lyrics drawing wouldn't work well if the lyrics only had a \n for a newline.
2. Changed: Lyrics drawing lets longer lines stay together.
3. NEW: Lyrics drawing can break the lyrics into pages (right-click > Pages on the lyrics display).
4. Changed: Picking Options > General > Remove files from Playing Now after they are played would not work nicely with the Stop After Next command.
5. Changed: Made picking the option Stop After Playing Track advance to the next track on stop.
6. NEW: Added the expression function TrimLines(...) to standardize and consolidate newlines.
7. Changed: "Tree & View > Advanced > Display missing file image in lists" will now be used in the thread that checks file existence (to avoid shutdown lags, etc.).
8. Fixed: When loading EPG data, the entry would appear twice in the power manager part of Reporter.

26.0.41 (3/25/2020)

1. Fixed: Standard View EPG filter box did not keep selection (always changed back to "All Programs") when an update occurred.
2. Fixed: The latitude and longitude would not be read in full resolution from some images.
3. Fixed: The installer would not run on some systems.
4. Changed: Reporter shows the audio analyzed and video analyzed on separate lines.

26.0.40 (3/24/2020)

1. Fixed: Possible playback problems from a buffer change.

26.0.39 (3/23/2020)

1. Changed: When a TV recording is started, Theater View views that show TV recordings will be updated to include the newly added file.
2. Changed: "Use current audio stream as default" context menu item now works on clients playing live TV channels.
3. Changed: JRiver Time-shifting Reader filter will reset subtitle time-stamp upon channel-changes when time-shifting DVB TV channels, in an attempt to fix a subtitle display issue.  Testing is appreciated.
4. Fixed: Wavpack could not play files over 2GB properly.
5. Fixed: Another fix to the statusbar rule option naming (should allow customize now).
6. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 5.24 (fixes legacy decoding of 24-bit files).
7. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
8. Fixed: Some MP4 files could cause MC to crash.
9. Changed: When renaming a file that has a JRiver Sidecar, the new sidecar file will be updated to reflect the new file path.

26.0.38 (3/20/2020)

1. Fixed: Corrected the spelling of the StatusBar Rule registry setting.
2. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
3. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
4. NEW: Added the Char(...) expression function to output a character from the numeric code of the character.
5. NEW: Added Artists, Genres, Albums, Years, and Playlists to the Reporter view.
6. NEW: Added the most played albums and tracks to the Reporter view.

26.0.37 (3/19/2020)

1. Changed: Added a second parameter to the GroupSummary(...) expression function that when set to one, does not output things like "avg" or "total".
2. NEW: Added an "Audio" toolbar button that jumps to the last used Audio view.
3. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
4. NEW: "Audio Programs" context menu will be available when playing a TV channel on a client.
5. NEW: Added a SearchTags(...) expression function that takes a value and returns all the fields that have a match (the parameter after the value is an integer that when set to 1, just returns true or false for matches instead of the field names).
6. NEW: Added the expression function Number(...) that takes a string and finds the number (plus decimal) in the string.
7. NEW: Added the expression function Find(...) to search for a substring in a string.
8. NEW: Added the expression function Trim(...) to trim non-printable characters and newlines from a string.
9. NEW: Added the expression function ListFind(...) to search a list for a value (takes a final parameter to decide if it should return the value or the index).
11. NEW: Added the expression function Range(...) to create a numbered list.

26.0.36 (3/17/2020)

1. Changed: Removed the Network Streamer output plugin (not currently used).
2. Changed: Made the % column width wider for the reporter views on high DPI.
3. NEW: Added the ListShuffle(...) expression function.
4. Fixed: Album counts could be reported two times in the statusbar.
5. NEW: Added the option to load a view from a file (saved JVI) so you don't have to put it in the views folder.
6. Changed: The "Stop After Playing Track" choice in Theater View is only visible in Playing Now.
7. Fixed: Audio Path was not reporting that decoded files were being loaded for memory playback.

26.0.35 (3/13/2020)

1. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 5.23.

26.0.34 (3/12/2020)

1. Fixed: The items in Standard View EPG filter box ("All Programs", "Favorite Channels", "To be recorded", etc.) were not updated when user switched language.
2. Fixed: The button text in Standard View EPG was not updated when language was changed.
3. Fixed: The program list in Standard View EPG could be empty when the language was changed.
4. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 5.21.
5. NEW: MC's Explorer views show a mode combobox to allow showing all files, imported files, or unimported files.
6. Changed: Made Fill Track Numbers From List Order start over at one each time the disc # changes if the option to start over is selected.
7. Changed: Made the sort window wider.
8. NEW: Added CD ripping and burning to Options > General > Features.
9. Fixed: Audio Path no longer reports that it's playing a video from memory if memory playback is enabled (the option only applies to audio).
10. Changed: The start over each album setting on filling the track numbers will also start over if the album artist (auto) changes.
11. Changed: Memory playback is checked for actually using memory instead of just checking the option for Audio Path (so things like Audio Calibration will no longer say memory playback).
12. Changed: Made composer lookup able to understand strings with years at the end and strings (composer (years)) and reversed in order (last name, first name).
13. Fixed: Made a possible fix for crashing on playback.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.43 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 08:59:25 am »

1. Fixed: Stopping after the next track advanced two tracks instead of one in build 42.
2. Changed: Removed the option to advance after stopping after a track (now always advances).

MC updates the play count and last played date only if at least half of the track has been played. It would be great if track advance on stop happens only if the play count will be updated.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.43 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2020, 02:25:26 pm »

BUG: When building a view for JRemote/Gizmo/Panel, and adding a category level that is an Expression, the EXPRESSION TO DISPLAY field is NOT honored if the category level is at the bottom of the stack.

Expression to Display is honored for levels higher in the stack, just not the bottom one.

To work around, you can add an additional dummy category level at the bottom of the stack, with the expression to display and expression to group by both blank. 


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.43 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2020, 08:39:44 am »

I really love the changes that were made to the lyrics display!! The pages are great, keeps the font big enough to read, and they're just cleaner to read now. Great job team Team JRiver!


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Re: JRiver Media Center 26.0.43 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2020, 08:48:28 am »

I really love the changes that were made to the lyrics display!! The pages are great, keeps the font big enough to read, and they're just cleaner to read now. Great job team Team JRiver!

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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