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Author Topic: Playlist Problem  (Read 818 times)

John Oster

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Playlist Problem
« on: April 08, 2020, 01:58:18 pm »

When I drag an album to a Play List, rather than keeping the individual tracks together as an album until I click on it, I get a list of tracks for every album, which means I have to scroll through hundreds of tracks to get to the album I want. Is there some way to maintain album grouping in a Play List? (None of the options I saw suggested a way to do this.)
MacBook Pro>MC26>McIntosh MA9000>DALI Epicon2/SVS Ultra 13


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Re: Playlist Problem
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2020, 02:14:26 pm »

Right click on all the tracks you want to keep together, Library Tools>Link Tracks

If you don't always want them to stay together after you complete your playlist break tracks.  You can lock the playlist, but if you don't and break tracks, do not shuffle.


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Re: Playlist Problem
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2020, 02:17:27 pm »

Playlists are lists or tracks, not lists of albums.

You could use the link tracks feature, and then just add the first teack of the album to the playlist, but if you link all the tracks in an album, they will always play linked.  Not necessarily desirable.

Google jriver link tracks if you want to try this approach.

But if you want to play a specific album, and not the playlist, why are you looking for the album in the middle of a playlist?  Just play it directly.  JRiver isn't WinAmp, where everything has to be in a playlist before you can play it.  If you know that, I don't understand why you're asking this. The motivation behind your question doesn't make sense to me.

John Oster

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Re: Playlist Problem
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2020, 02:39:00 pm »

But if you want to play a specific album, and not the playlist, why are you looking for the album in the middle of a playlist?  Just play it directly.  JRiver isn't WinAmp, where everything has to be in a playlist before you can play it.  If you know that, I don't understand why you're asking this. The motivation behind your question doesn't make sense to me.

I listen to classical music and my play lists are named by era (Baroque, Classical, Contemporary, and Romantic, as well as by 2 favorite instruments--piano and guitar), so if I'm in the mood for a certain period or instrument, I can just go that list rather than visually scanning my albums. I know I could tag all of my files by genre, but that would be very time consuming. It's not a deal-breaker to have them all spread out on a large page, such as by Artist or Album, it would just be more convenient if the albums could be grouped in playlists.
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Re: Playlist Problem
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2020, 03:14:30 pm »

To each his own.  But playlists, although useful for playing, are a terrible way to organize and catalogue music.  I wouldn't expect playlists to be changed as you'd prefer; it's at odds with the design goals of MC.

You'll get a lot more out of the software if you tag your music properly.  Then you can have views for whatever you want: composer, soloist, period, instrument, composition type, etc.  and it will be presented how you want, not as a primitive list.

Hopefully you realize that to do this you don't have to tag things individually.  If you already have all Baroque music in a playlist, just select everything in that playlist and you can tag it all as Baroque in literally 2 seconds in one step.  You could likewise tag instrument, etc.  so it would not at all be time consuming.

If you've already done he hard work of deciding what is what (by organizing into categorized playlists) then you're just inches from the finish line.

Good luck...

John Oster

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Re: Playlist Problem
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2020, 03:36:02 pm »

I added only one album as a test to a play list and saw what happened, so I went ahead and tagged by my preferred categories...a little tedious but it didn't take as long as I feared--maybe 30-40 minutes.

Thank you for the replies.
MacBook Pro>MC26>McIntosh MA9000>DALI Epicon2/SVS Ultra 13
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