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Author Topic: CD Ripping doesn't recognize new Disk  (Read 705 times)


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CD Ripping doesn't recognize new Disk
« on: May 18, 2020, 03:00:32 am »

I am running MC26(version 26.0.69) on a Windows 10 Pro(1909) machine. After doing several successful CD Rips to Fl ac file folders, the last disk info does not leave the main screen and the new disk is not recognized by the player. When a new disk is inserted, the track info for the previous disk is displayed in the main screen with the CD info and cover art at the top of the main screen. If I select all tracks and rt-clk and choose “remove from playing now”, nothing changes. If I choose Quick Play from the File tab, then Drives & Devices, the Album label of the last CD shows in the last tab, not the current one in the disk drive. I have changed the rip mode from secure to normal with no change. I have deselected “show recently ripped playlist after ripping” in Rip Complete Options, but no change. After making these changes, I restarted my machine but this had no effect. BTW, once the new disk is inserted the auto-play starts and is playing the 1st track of the new CD even though the track info is still displaying the last CD track info. I haven't seen any other settings to check in the posts so I am stuck at this point. Before I changed the Rip Mode to Normal I did create a secure log if that would be helpful.
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Re: CD Ripping doesn't recognize new Disk
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2020, 12:09:18 am »

Thanks for responding JimH. You directed me to MC26 for Windows, the Weird and Wonderful Problems & Their Solutions Posts with the suggestion that my problem is Windows related.

One post indicated that the Media Streaming Connection option should be disabled as a solution to the problem. I checked Media Streaming Options and it is not turned on. I also checked Windows Media Player and it has never been installed on this machine. I also checked to be sure there weren't any pending Microsoft Windows updates, updates were up-to-date.

I noted that there were similar problems with concurrently running applications so I disabled my Logitech Media Server and did a hard shutdown. After powering back up, I launched MC26, Inserted a new disk and was able to rip it successfully with the exception of a message that stated “one or more tracks have already been ripped” which is a mystery regarding this CD.

I will continue to rip more disks and note any other inconsistencies that come up but for now I seem to have a workaround by disabling my LMS.

BTW, thanks for the suggestion to search the Weird and Wonderful Problems and Solutions. This is quite the wealth of information for JRiver and I hope to spend more time in the future checking out more solutions.
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Re: CD Ripping doesn't recognize new Disk
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2020, 06:16:29 am »

Thanks for reporting what you found.
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