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Author Topic: [26.0.73] Some albums not allowing more than one cover art image  (Read 588 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I've run in to a problem where if I select one track—just one—and update its cover art, said art will also apply to every other track in the same album. It does not occur across every album I have, but I can't find the cause.

Is there a field or setting that governs this? I can go to tags and select Show Tags with Values, but I'm not seeing anything that could be the culprit.

The files in these albums are not stacked or linked.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: [26.0.73] Some albums not allowing more than one cover art image
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2020, 09:35:10 pm »

Further development:

If I remove cover art from all tracks in one of these problem albums and then apply cover art to one file therein, it doesn't replicate it across all of them.

If I deselect that file and apply cover art to another single file, it replicates to the previous file I just deselected.

So basically, it does this for all tracks with an album in common when the cover art isn't missing.

By the way, I can change the album name first, apply the art, and then change it back without the undesired replication, but I really don't want to have to do this every time because some of the tracks I'm working with are stacked with others in different albums. For testing purposes, I've unstacked all the files I'm currently working with while I troubleshoot, but eventually, I'm going to reapply the stacks.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 651
Re: [26.0.73] Some albums not allowing more than one cover art image
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2020, 11:16:12 pm »

Well, I figured out the reason:

It's because, when copying and pasting cover art, whether from another file within the library or from the Internet, it saves the image to a specified directory according to the File Location settings. It then ties that image to the album name so that when a different image is applied to any track in that album, it overwrites the image in that directory and filters it out to the rest of the tracks because of the album name association.

... However, it doesn't seem to do this consistently with every album. Most of the time, when applying a cover image, it seems to just save it to the file tags ("Inside file") and not to the aforementioned directory, meaning that there's free reign over what art can be used with which track. It doesn't seem to be tied to specific file types: some of my MP3's are doing this while others are not. Haven't seen this behaviour in M4A's or FLAC's.

Is there something wrong with the tagging in some files...?
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