Hi Hoyt, glad you like it. Your new year's request is granted

I've published v3.4.2 with these
- Add TMDB field 'Original Language'
- Rename 'Language' to 'Spoken Language'
- Automatically create missing MC fields (asks first)
You can autoupgrade from within ZRatings, just click the Help/About button on the bottom corner. It's better if you exclude ZRating's folder in Defender settings (file/folder exclusions). You can also temporarily disable Defender to allow you to download/upgrade ZR.
The data from OMDB is scraped from IMDB, while TMDB is crowdsourced. You can also contribute to TMDB by adding info to movies and fixing mistakes - then ZRatings should pick up your edits as well. [note: you may need to bypass ZR's cache to force it to get the new info]
Regarding languages, OMDB only has the Languages (spoken?) and Countries (production?):
"Language":"English, Italian, French, Danish",
"Country":"United States, Germany, United Kingdom, France",
TMDB has both a main "Original Language" and "Spoken Languages", and also a list of Production Countries. The list of Languages and Countries is supposed to be ordered by their importance in the movie, but since the data is edited by anyone... sometimes national pride wins

"original_language": "en",
"production_countries": [
"iso_3166_1": "DE",
"name": "Germany"
"iso_3166_1": "GB",
"name": "United Kingdom"
"iso_3166_1": "US",
"name": "United States of America"
"spoken_languages": [
"iso_639_1": "de",
"name": "Deutsch"
"iso_639_1": "fr",
"name": "Français"
"iso_639_1": "en",
"name": "English"
"iso_639_1": "it",
"name": "Italiano"
"iso_639_1": "ru",
"name": "Pусский"
I added a new 'Original Language' field for the corresponding TMDB data, and renamed the previous 'Language' to 'Spoken Language'. I decided to keep the existing mapping to MC (Spoken Language -> 'Language' in MC) to avoid breaking stuff for existing users. You can always change the field mapping in ZR's settings.
Personally I prefer the info provided by TMDB for most fields - I find OMDB has more errors than TMDB, and one can always go and fix TMDB's data. However, for any given movie it can happen that OMDB is better than TMDB or vice-versa. It's up to you to use what you like best.