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Author Topic: A question on Parametric Equalizer  (Read 3836 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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A question on Parametric Equalizer
« on: June 03, 2020, 12:31:30 am »

I have got a PDF of the recommended settings for equalising my headphones (these are settings specific for my brand and model). It suggests a preamp gain of -6.1dB.

I couldn't find a specific setting for "preamp" in the Parametric Eq, so I included "Adjust Volume" and put -6.1dB into that. Is that correct?

However, there is a Preamp setting in Equaliser, but is it a good idea to have two sets of filters (Eq & Para Eq) running? Further to that, what should I do if I want to tickle up the bass for a particular CD? Adjust it in Eq or Para Eq?

PDF and screenshot attached.



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Re: A question on Parametric Equalizer
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2020, 02:38:36 am »

Your question tells a different story than your screenshot... You left something important out.

What you're doing is fine, as far as it goes.  Having EQ and PEQ both active is also fine.  You just need to remember that they have a cumulative effect.

The real problem is that that -6.1db pre-amp cut figure is meaningless by itself.

You headphones have a specific sensitivity, and that means they output a certain volume level at a particular voltage.  If you do not know the voltage output of your headphone jack, then your -6.1db is meaningless.

So for example that -6.1db might be correct for a headphone jack at 0.7v RMS, but it will be totally wrong (not enough adjustment) if your voltage is 0.9v RMS, or (too much adjustment) if your headphone jack is at 0.55v RMS.

So unless you have the equipment to measure the voltage on your headphone jack, stop wasting your time and adjust the level to where it sounds good.  Because any volume (pre-amp) adjustment you set in the PEQ or EQ is totally irrelevant as soon as you touch the volume control in MC, or your DAC, or your Headphone Amp.

Looking at the rest of the stuff in your screenshot, the real story appears: it seems they also gave you specific boosts and cuts for different frequencies.  The only reason they are recommending a -6.1db adjustment is to make room for the 6.5db boost they are telling you to apply at 4600Hz.  When you're boosting that much, you'll need to lower the overall volume so you don't clip.



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: A question on Parametric Equalizer
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2020, 03:09:54 am »

Thanks. Not sure what I left out because that's all the info in the PDF and that I have put into the PEQ.

There is someone local to me would have the equipment to measure the voltage, but if I understand it correctly the voltage will change with volume adjustment anyway?

I quite like the sound of the recommended settings, so I'm happy with that - slightly crisper sound. Don't feel that I'm wasting my time though - if nothing else I can learn a little more.


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Re: A question on Parametric Equalizer
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2020, 03:19:03 am »

I meant that what you left out (of your question) was just that there were a lot of other equalizer settings besides preamp gain.  That was in your screenshot but not the text.  I didn't look at the pdf.

In the context of the other equalizer adjustments, the preamp cut is necessary to avoid clipping.  When I was first reading your written question, exclusive of the screenshot, recommending a preamp gain sounds like they're were trying to calibrate you to reference level, and it is a waste of time to attempt that without a specified and measured voltage.

What you're doing is fine.  Enjoy your music.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: A question on Parametric Equalizer
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2020, 03:27:48 am »

Yes I see. Cutting dB by itself would appear to be somewhat meaningless - even I can figure that out!  ;D

Certainly enjoying the music - the system sounds excellent.


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Re: A question on Parametric Equalizer
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2021, 10:22:46 am »

FenceFurniture - bit of an older thread, but are you still using the Stellias with the PEQ and these settings?  I tried them out for a few days and didn't like them so went back to no PEQ at all.  However, in playing around with it, I'm thinking that the main thing that I don't like is that +6.5 at the 3530.  Seems to make things a little too harsh for me.  Did you end up tweaking anything from the original settings?


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: A question on Parametric Equalizer
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2021, 03:38:08 pm »

I changed my headphone amp to a Focal Arche and just use the Stellia setting in that - for me the sound is excellent. I also changed my DAP to a Shanling M6 Pro 21 with Neutron music player, which has a 10 band eq that I have set up. The sound out of that device is quite incredible.
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