Lookup Date from Google is great I have a lot of compilation albums with just the date the album was released IE 2020 on all the tracks
The get date from Google works fine for about 10 - 15 tracks then stops working, is this because Google locks me out?
All my tags are correct and the ones that don't work have all the correct tag info and correctly spelled
If i go back to them much later or the next day the date tagging works fine, but if i right click on a large album a box tells me
it is checking but the dates do not change after the first 10 or so and these are well known artists / songs
If its possible to get this working full time it would be brilliant
Also leave the way it is when you right click on an album (searches the whole album non stop). But when it does not find the date
because of say having a track with "Good Times (2012 Remaster) - Chic", if you right click on that track you could have a box with the track / artist name you can edit, in this
case remove "(2012 Remaster)" then hit a search button below. this would save editing the tags themselves to check why the date was not found
Thanks for any help