I have had very similar issues on my Mac as well. Invisible characters, MC not finding the file, etc.
While I haven't been able to figure out why this is happening, I did experiment quite a bit and this is what I found. But beware, it may be different in your case.
1) This issue arises mostly (maybe even always) when a filename contains a special character and that file originates from "outside", e.g. ripped from a CD or downloaded from a media provider (HD Tracks or Qobuz etc.)
2) If I manually rename the special character on my Mac to the same special character, the problem goes away. In this case I may have to manually change the [filename (name)] or [file name (path)], depending on where the character occurs.
My Directories rule is [Album Artist]/[Album]/ and my Filename rule is [Disk #]-[Track #] [Name], so if there is a special character in any of ([Album], [Album Artist], [Name] I have to manually correct it.
I suspect, but have no concrete evidence, that this is due to the fact that special characters can be encoded in different ways resulting in the same "look" but actually being seen as different by the file/operating system.
For example, - and - look exactly the same but when I use the former in MC it creates a problem and the file containing this character in the [filename (name)] is not found if you search for it with the second dash in the search term. So they are definitely different. I do not know exactly what that difference is or how to describe it otherwise but I guess it must be the way the file/operating system encodes them.
3) The same is true for other special characters, such as á, ô, ë, ñ, etc., where there exist(s) (a) "version(s)" that are not recognized correctly by MC and probably MacOS and Linux. Invariably, when I replace such a problematic character manually or by search/replace, the problem goes away.
4) Originally, I thought this was a problem with my NAS and its file/operating system not being able to recognize some special characters. However, after extensive experimentation, I determined that the issue lies with the characters themselves and if I use one that is recognized properly by MC it also works perfectly on the NAS and MacOS (MacOS is much closer to Linux, which is the basis for the OS of the NAS).
In summary, the only solution I came up with, so far, is to first replace all special characters in MC with the appropriate one (I went through >20000 tracks and this is tedious!).
Then, before I import new media, I perform the character replacing right away on the file or names themselves (they will also sometimes show spaces instead of the character and I have to either guess or look up the name at the provider).
Then, if the [Album] or [Album Artist] contain special characters after importing, I correct those in MC before I "F6" save them to the media files.
This is also tedious but less so than posthoc, on a large library. To be safe, I do this on every special character, regardless of whether it looks fine or not.
This is far from optimal and if the MC developers can find a better solution to this issue that would be a stellar advance.