Well, I certainly agree that new one looks complicated!
Do you have to stand on one foot while adjusting the dial after three long presses and two short under a full moon too?
I haven't had to touch my old one in years, so I'm not sure if this will be helpful for your new one, but for what it's worth...
As I recall, I did not have a lot of fun with the old one trying to copy settings from the sink. I found that the best thing to do was just setting it to "full baldfaced lie mode". There used to be a mode where the Dr HDMI would just tell the source "I support everything" and leave it at that, regardless of what sink was actually attached. This actually works quite well on modern receivers, because for modern receivers and processors, they usually DO support everything that can go over HDMI. (Besides your receiver will definitely process a lot of audio formats your TV cannot, so you don't really WANT to copy the EDID from the TV anyway.)
So, taking a guess based on that lame guide printed on the device, I might think this corresponds to "Green Mode 1" on your device.
If you select Green Mode 1 and your house explodes, don't blame me. The documentation on their web site is shockingly poor and the little video they have is so inscrutable I couldn't make anything out of it. There was a little paper guide that came with mine, but I don't see a pdf of anything for your device on their site.
To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure HOW to select Green Mode 1 on your device. But do the hokey pokey or whatever else you have to do to set it, and see if Green Mode 1 works. And I can't even make out what those da_n buttons do, although I see the word "reset" mixed in there for one of them...... Geez, and it's even worse than I thought; I now see it has a different set of lights on each side: one side says Dr HDMI FHD, and the other says Dr HDMI UHD, so it's a schizophrenic device too.
Well good luck with the device. I guess you didn't have any choice if you needed 4k. It's too bad their documentation is non-existent. You might try that utility they have; I don't know if that would make yours easier to set up. I don't think I needed it. Hopefully yours will behave like mine in that once you get it into the right mode, you will never have to touch it again and can forget all about it.
If you figure out how to drive that thing, I suggest you make a short guide and post it on the forums, over in one of the Devices forums, so that other people later won't be as tortured as you are.