Are you sure there are no tags being applied in the Recording Rule?
If the Title in the EPG data isn't DELETE, but the [Name] field in MC is DELETE, then tagging in the Recording Rules would seem like the first place to look.
I guess it would be possible that the Title on TheMovieDB has been set to DELETE, and MC may be getting that data if you run "Get Movie & TV Info" on the recording. Although TheMovieDB doesn't seem to be up to date for "Jimmy Kimmel Live". Maybe there is a hidden record on the site that has the Title set to DELETE, which the API is finding. It may have been marked for deletion on the site. You might search or ask in their support forum.
MC doesn't run the "Get Movie & TV Info" function for TV recordings, so this would only be a problem if you ran the function manually, with overwrite of existing data allowed.