I'm a satisfied user of MC version 26. In a recent (11-03-20) email, I am told that only the latest version will be available.
This is a cheap shot. MC 27 offers me no functionality that I need. I paid for MC26 (and a few before, for that matter). Has MC moved to a subscription model? There are valid reasons (other than being stingy) that a user might
not want to upgrade. Not the least of these is that the new version won't work on a given system.
I am not claiming this is the case. But as good a product as MC is, there is no bug-free software and MC is not exempt. I've identified bugs in MC26 here and, so far as I can tell, there was no interest in your attempting to fix them. Interested parties can search through the archives for details. Oh well, no they can't, because those forums have vanished. None of this inspires confidence in me.
JRiver, if you are really not going to make available an older version that many users rely on, it diminishes my confidence in you as a software provider.