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Author Topic: Category Views are much faster than Panes  (Read 1130 times)


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Category Views are much faster than Panes
« on: November 29, 2020, 11:42:05 am »

The Panes view is very fast for small databases. In my significantly larger DB, it shows that navigating through Panes is much slower than navigating through the Categories view.
The same view, with the same filters and sorting and the two categories artist and album, is instantly in the category view. If I switch to Panes, each change in the Artist column takes about a second.
In the theater view it is even slower. From clicking on an artist to displaying the albums, it feels like it takes much longer than a second.

This behavior can also be seen with a completely empty thumbnail file and without access to the media.
I don't want to publish my library, but if someone wants to check this out, I'll PM a link.


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Re: Category Views are much faster than Panes
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2020, 10:48:59 pm »

Filtering the other panes probably would make the Panes a bit less responsive than Categories-style views, because it has to apply the new filter against all of them (instead of just the child-view like in Categories). I'd guess, too, that Filtering In Both Directions (if you have that enabled in the View) would make it worse.
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Re: Category Views are much faster than Panes
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2020, 01:40:14 am »

Filtering the other panes probably would make the Panes a bit less responsive than Categories-style views, because it has to apply the new filter against all of them (instead of just the child-view like in Categories). I'd guess, too, that Filtering In Both Directions (if you have that enabled in the View) would make it worse.

How would you quantify 'a bit'? The slowdown is not a few percentage points. I'm talking about an additional delay of 1000ms or more!
The equipment of the PC cannot be the cause. The same elements must be retrieved and displayed in the category view as in the Panes view.


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Re: Category Views are much faster than Panes
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2020, 08:28:30 am »

I was just commenting that some difference in performance would be expected because a Panes-style View is "doing more work" (because it has to simultaneously filter against all visible categories, and not just build the file list and the results of the "next tier" of the categories view). So, more work, would mean there could be a concrete performance difference. I'd expect the difference should be minor.

I definitely don't see behavior that poor except for with my very complicated Expression-based panes. How many files are visible in the View?
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Re: Category Views are much faster than Panes
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2020, 08:35:42 am »

You've got this huge rule at the base of Audio, and child views set to honor the parent rule:
[Media Type]=[Audio] -[Kategorie]=[Buch] [Filename (path)]=[Z:\INTERPRETEN" ~sort=[Artist],[Complete Album],[Album],[Track #] ~expand=Artist

Either get rid of that, or turn off honoring the parent search.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Category Views are much faster than Panes
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2020, 11:48:30 am »

Oh wow. Yeah, an ~expand at the base of your Views will cause trouble.
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Re: Category Views are much faster than Panes
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2020, 11:07:19 am »

Oh wow. Yeah, an ~expand at the base of your Views will cause trouble.

Yeah! It takes some processing. But remember there are 4 cores processing almost 3'000'000'000 operations/per second each.
This rule is not too complex for MediaCenter . This rule incl. expand is handled by MC with no noticeable delay (as long as 'View as: Categories' is selected). 
Only when 'View as Panes' is selected, the same job now takes up to 1 second. Therefore it is neither the hardware, nor the filter, it is MC which handles this in two different ways. With different success!
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