I am running MC 26 on Windows 10 PC. My audio/video files are all stored on an external USB hard drive, which is occasionally shared between computers.
Everything working perfectly for several months, then I started to notice several files with the Red-Minus “Do Not Enter” sign, yet
they all play fine! And... they do not show up when I search for non-playing files “[=IsMissing()]=1”. The only thing I can think of is I often disconnect my computer and forget to properly eject the external HD.
In searching the forum, I found a post for a slightly similar issue – which suggested doing a “library update from tags”
https://yabb.jriver.com/interact/index.php/topic,122327.msg846533.html#msg846533So, I ran
Library Tools > update library from tags on one file and
it fixed the issue! BUT, I have no experience or knowledge of how tags work and I’m concerned that I could be creating yet another issue that I’m unaware of.
1) What the heck caused this to happen in the first place? And, why these files have a minus sign yet they still play.
2) Is it safe to do “update library from tags” this on all files? Should I just do it on my entire library or only the ones
with the minus sign?
3) I read that using the external HD between computers could cause permission issues. If that’s the case, what is my
best course of action to avoid/remedy this?

P.s. Trying to attach, but nothing happens when I click Choose File. Never had this problem before.