More > JRiver Media Center 26 for Linux

Moving the Mediaceter window in KDE with the titlebar

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The Muffin Man:
I'm running KDE Neon and I cannot move the Media Center 27 by dragging the titlebar using any skin. This happened periodically with MC 26, but worked more often than not. Now it seems like the problem is still in MC 27. Alt-F7 won't let me move it either.
Any ideas?

The Muffin Man:
I suppose this should have been in MC27 Linux, but to answer my question, there is a very small area to the left of the menu and to the right of the menu that you can grab and move the window.

It's odd that you have to hit a small target.  If I grab and drag anywhere to the right of the last menu (help) and to the left of the minimize button it moves the window, and that's a huge target.  I'm using Gnome not KDE, but I'm surprised it's so different.

The Muffin Man:
The titlebars are completely different in KDE and Gnome.


--- Quote from: WFU_Fan_90 on January 20, 2021, 06:01:37 pm ---The titlebars are completely different in KDE and Gnome.

--- End quote ---

Not in Mediacenter as far as I can tell.  AFAIK JRiver handles its own window decorations and doesn't use GTK or QT.  Like, out of curiosity, I just tried it in KDE on Arch Linux, and JRiver looks and acts identical to how it does in Gnome?

Maybe you could post a screenshot of what you're seeing?


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