I recently had to restore a library backup due to malfunctioning hardware. Between the time of the last library backup and when my hardware failed I had cleaned up some capitalization problems in my library and subsequently used RM&C to update the filenames.
After restoring the backup I reran Auto-Import and was a bit dismayed to find that none of the renamed files were re-imported into MC (and no "broken links" were fixed either). I tried to play one of the files that had been renamed and unsurprisingly MC complained that it could not find it, as the [Filename] capitalization differs from my filesystem.
The "automatic" method to fix this would be to enable "fix broken links", allow MC to remove the "missing files" and then re-import the new case'd files, however this would lose all of my playback stats/playlists etc. The other option is to hand revert my filenames on the filesystem to match MC's library, or redo all of my changes in the MC library to match the filesystem, neither of which I wish to undertake.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can get out of this mess? I've thought about transferring everything to a case insensitive OS so that MC can access and rename the improperly case'd files to match its database using multiple RM&C steps, but there has to be a better way.