I have a smart list that selects a random album that I haven't played for a year
[Last Played]=>365d [Media Type]=[Audio] -[Album]=[] ~n=1 ~sort=[Track #] ~a
This displays an album in track number order but when I play it it seems to play in some random order.
How do I get it to play in track number order?
It is happening if I play an album from the tree view Audio > Albums. I am playing the album from a Windows client, the server is @max096's docker image running on a Synology NAS
It does it if I play from the server as well. If I view playing now there is a column called "Seq" containing a numerical value and that is the order the tracks are played in. I can resort the view by Track number then use Player>Playing Now>Update Order to get it to play in track number order, but surely this should be the default?