-Thanks for all your help!
-I looked at the exported playlists from regular JRiver in Notepad++. The playlists appeared identical whether I had "Store paths relative to exported playlist location" selected or not, at least for "M3U Playlist (simple)".
-I cannot figure out what the path would be on my phone's SD Card. The phone is not rooted. I see that I could edit the paths, but with hundreds of songs across multiple playlists that is not a great option.
-It seems weird that JRiver for Android can figure out smartlists but not playlists.
-Since its clear that working in Android is challenging, perhaps it would be easier for now to have regular JRiver have an export playlist for Android phone feature?
-I hope you don't abandon JRiver for Android. It is really cool and close to being ready for prime time, but it isn't yet. It feels like the development has been... less enthusiastic for a while now. Unfortunately, you released it on the Play Store too early and it got savaged by reviews. I did ask for a way to get it through my regular JRiver account. Maybe you can re-release it when it is more polished and start the review thing over again.
-To be clear, let me repeat that, despite the frustration, JRiver for Android has serious potential. As a longtime JRiver customer going back to Media Jukebox 7, I appreciate the JRiver team. You are one of the only paid software projects that I gladly support and have not gone open source or free software with! Hope you all have gotten through the last year and a half of crazy OK!