I have a salutatory tale !!
My equipment is covered by 2 UPS devices , one for the PC's and another for the audio gear (Mainly because they are geographically distant)
I live in Johannesburg (claimed as the lightening capital of the world) and during the summer we get almost daily lightening storms. No matter how good your protection is the the only way to protect is to isolate from the mains by pulling the plug !! We are not talking mains "ripples" here but vicious spikes.
Several years ago in the days of ADSL, I lost my amp, streamer, video streamer, router ,switch (ironically not the PC ?) when my neighbour's palm tree took a direct hit . It travelled back down the phone cable , blew the ADSL filter and fried my equipment connected to the network. The mains was isolated at the time !!
I now have optical fibre internet which they claim does not conduct (a big selling point in JHB) BUT I still isolate mains supplies as soon as a storm is obvious, whenever we leave the house and every night. Not surprisingly we also see failures in other electronics eg our dishwasher etc.
Maybe not particularly on topic but a warning none the less , electronic protection is fine but nothing like the "real thing", pull that plug