I have 3 zones defined and am attempting to use ZoneSwitch to select the appropriate zone based on some rules. I added two custom fields (strings) where the value is one of <empty>, Y, N
The ZoneSwitch rule is a combination of # of Channels, and whether or not the two custom fields are <empty> or have a value of Y, e.g.:
[Channels]= <=6 [Audio - Dolby Atmos]=[N] [Audio - DTS:X]=[N]
...basically I am trying to steer all non DTS:X and Atmos audio to my USB DAC; If the audio is DTS:X or Atmos, I have a rule set up that should steer the audio to my Marantz for decoding.
any ideas?
Doesn't work - I am playing a 2-channel video - and the Channels tag is "2"; the two custom fields are each "N" (or <empty> -- doesn't seem to matter in my testing), but the Zone never switches. It just stays in the current zone.
Are custom fields supported for ZoneSwitch?