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Author Topic: New Arch install  (Read 2373 times)


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New Arch install
« on: November 03, 2021, 05:54:26 am »

I want to install MC27 on Arch Linux (Endeavour) but the versions available in the AUR are 24,25 and 28.

I would create a pkgbuild based on the MC28 file but do not know where to locate the sha256sum values.  I assume that I would only need to change 28 to 27 and the checksums.

Can anyone let me know these so that I can install? Or provide me with a pkgbuild script to use?


Awesome Donkey

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Re: New Arch install
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2021, 06:35:18 am »

This PKGBUILD would probably be enough to build MC27 on Arch using makepkg -si with the PKGBUILD and License.txt files.

Code: [Select]
pkgdesc="The Most Comprehensive Media Software"
depends=('alsa-lib' 'gcc-libs' 'libx11' 'libxext' 'libxcb' 'libxau' 'libxdmcp' 'util-linux' 'libxext' 'gtk3')
optdepends=('mesa-libgl: nouveau video support' 'nvidia-libgl: nvidia video support' 'vorbis-tools' 'musepack-tools')
conflicts=('jriver-media-center26' 'jriver-media-center25' 'jriver-media-center24')
source=("$_debpkgver-amd64.deb" 'License.txt')
sha256sums=('eaf39ff8647fad495038475f03dd90df4c88128d6b67dc85c7662fa480124847' 'ee00f430918df6be37777a61e12812875b5583379c78daaa969bae7383a41fbd')

package() {
  cd "$srcdir"
  bsdtar xf data.tar.xz -C "$pkgdir"
    install -Dm644 "License.txt" \

EDIT: Indeed, it does build MC27 fine.
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Re: New Arch install
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2021, 08:24:57 am »

Thanks very much.

I haven't amended pkgbuild files before and now see that I could have done this myself.  But all worked fine with the addition of my license file and generated checksum.
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