You may want to open the Windows Event Viewer, then Windows Logs -> System, and scroll down to the timestamp of the crash. See if there are any events about an "unexpected restart" or "bugcheck". You may find something like this in the event description:
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000024 (0x00000000001904fb, 0xfffff880035c56e8, 0xfffff880035c4f40, 0xfffff80002e778d2).
A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 073111-28329-01
That error code is an indication of what caused the PC to crash, and may or may not be easy to fix. For instance 0x24 (NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM) can usually be fixed with some simple commands, but can also indicate a failing hard drive. Other errors point to a specific Driver like the Display or Network driver, which would then need to be updated.
If there's instead an "Unexpected restart", then it's usually an hardware problem like bad RAM, GPU or PSU, or just your cat hitting the Reset button. The problem is never an application like MC - it may just be that MC is stressing the component that is failing on your PC, simply because it's the most used app on that PC or because it's the one that is using the failing part.