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Author Topic: How to make the best set-up for a 3-way stereo active system with the new MC28?  (Read 1362 times)


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I am a long time user of Foobar2000 and I already used for a period MC23 for which I have a license. Due to many reason, I then decided to abandon MC23 and stay with Foobar only.

Now, I am back again to JRiver Media Center and I would like to give it try again, hoping to find it a lot better than the old MC23 and being able to definitively switch to it.

My audio system is a pure "Stereo" solutions, 3-way active = total 6 channels output are required.
So, I would like to have support to optimally set-up MC28 to deliver the best audio quality possible considering these technical constrains:
1) My Audio PC is a Windows 10 machine
2) My DAC has only ASIO driver
3) I need to have stereo LPF @35Hz with 36dB/oct
4) I need to have stereo BPF @35Hz with 36dB/Oct and 200Hz with 24dB/oct
5) I need to have stereo HPF @200Hz with 12dB/oct
6) I need to have two stereo delay lines for the BPF channels and for the LPF channels
7) Additional EQ is surely required as well for gross corrections of some of these 6 channels
8 ) And a Convolver is also needed for the final room equalization

If possible, I would like to do all the above using only "standard" features of MC28 to be sure these functionalities will be maintained over the time.
If there are written guidance on the matter, just redirect me there.

Thanks for any suggestion/support I get on that.
Kind regards


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Hello @mattkhan, I have almost done everything (still missing the convolver because needing to time to make the measurements...).

Just a last question, I set the Output Format to 5.1 without any extra feature enable. This because I remember from when I was using MC23 I had to do so for having 6 channels enabled in the DSP chain (ASIO driver).

I see that now DSP Studio looks not being anymore affected by that setting. Am I right or just I made/seen something wrong?

However, because I just listen to "regular" stereo only source, what's the optimal setting of the Output Format under MC28, considering I need then to drive 6 channels of the ASIO driver.

PS: The set-up I made is now working "apparently well" having output format 5.1... But I really would like to set-up MC28 in the best way possible.

Thanks and regards, Andrea


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I would think you want " Stereo in a 5.1 channel container"

It will mean 6 output channels but the mix target is stereo. If you only play stereo then it means you get 4 channels of silence output if no other DSP is configured.


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extreme phase shifts marring sound stage and listening experience. have a comfortable listening.


  • World Citizen
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Hello @mattkhan, I am sorry if I am not precise about.
Stated that I want to get what I detailed in my opening post, I did the following:
1) I set Output Format to 5+1 (because that I remember from MC23 that need that to instruct the DSP chain to "open a 6 channels stream". If not required with MC28, kindly let me know.
2) The in DSP chain I first of all copied the L+R stereo regular stream to the couple of channels I needed to elaborate independently
3) then I applied the specific elaboration to the wanted channel pair

In the attached screenshot an example of what I have now under test (it works apparently smooth).
This set-up is not my final wanted because I am testing now a 2-Way system that's my "testing solution" before moving all to the my "production" 3-Way system.
However, the complexity is all there and, apart the convolver, I don't need to add other relevant.

Thanks again for your kind and prompt follow-up. Absolutely appreciated.
Kind regards, Andrea


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Hello @mattkhan, I am sorry if I am not precise about.
Stated that I want to get what I detailed in my opening post, I did the following:
1) I set Output Format to 5+1 (because that I remember from MC23 that need that to instruct the DSP chain to "open a 6 channels stream". If not required with MC28, kindly let me know.
2) The in DSP chain I first of all copied the L+R stereo regular stream to the couple of channels I needed to elaborate independently
3) then I applied the specific elaboration to the wanted channel pair

In the attached screenshot an example of what I have now under test (it works apparently smooth).
This set-up is not my final wanted because I am testing now a 2-Way system that's my "testing solution" before moving all to the my "production" 3-Way system.
However, the complexity is all there and, apart the convolver, I don't need to add other relevant.

Thanks again for your kind and prompt follow-up. Absolutely appreciated.
Kind regards, Andrea

To the output format question, mattkhan is correct that you want to set output format to "stereo in a 5.1 container" with JRSS mixing enabled, rather than to 5.1.  This is so that the mixing target is correct.  Stereo in a 5.1 container will open a six channel stream but also mix source content with more than two channels down to stereo first. 

In the setup you've illustrated, if you set output format to 5.1 and then listen to a 5.1 channel concert or watch a film, all of the sub, center, and surround information will *not* be downmixed to stereo, and when your DSP blocks copy Left and Right over those channels the audio information will be discarded!  If you only test/listen with stereo sources you might not notice any difference between 5.1 and stereo in a 5.1 container, but if you have any files with more than two channels of audio you'll hear the difference right away.


  • World Citizen
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Hello @mwillems, thanks so much for your prompt support.
Yes, I have also SACD records that may have multiple channels I want to downmix to stereo first than being processed.

So, hoping to have correctly understood all, I set-up the Output Format as per the attached screenshot.
Would you kindly confirm me that's the best or what else optimisations should have I to apply.

Many thanks to all and kind regards,


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Hello @mwillems, thanks so much for your prompt support.
Yes, I have also SACD records that may have multiple channels I want to downmix to stereo first than being processed.

So, hoping to have correctly understood all, I set-up the Output Format as per the attached screenshot.
Would you kindly confirm me that's the best or what else optimisations should have I to apply.

Many thanks to all and kind regards,

You need to change the box labelled "Channels" so that it says "2 channels inside 5.1 container".  It is far down in the list of options (near the bottom).


  • World Citizen
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Hello @mwillems,

thanks and, please, is this time (see attached screenshot) the perfect set-up?

Have I to keep the JRSS mixing?
Is it fine the "Subwoofer" set to Silent?

Many thanks and kind regards,


  • MC Beta Team
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Hello @mwillems,

thanks and, please, is this time (see attached screenshot) the perfect set-up?

Have I to keep the JRSS mixing?
Is it fine the "Subwoofer" set to Silent?

Many thanks and kind regards,

Those settings look correct to me.


  • World Citizen
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Thank you all for the outstanding support provided.

Have a nice day
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