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Author Topic: SOLVED Needing some help for "tuning" an old customized view from "RD James"  (Read 897 times)


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in 2007 "RD James" kindly provided me the script
Code: [Select]
RemoveLeft(Replace([Filename (path)],;,;),3)&DataType=[list]
    to have a custom view as I requested and described in,111796.msg773703.html#msg773703.

That script has a problem I would like now to fix.
The issue is related to the interpretation of ";" when preset in a folder name. If a folder name has a ";", then its "folder name" is broken in two and reported in the view as two separate folders. I try to better explain the problem in the attached screenshot: the entries highlighted in yellow are not true folders (they do not exist) but are the right truncated part of an effective folder having a ";" in its name.

For it would be fine to fix the script in order to avoid this truncation or simply avoiding the listing of these "false" directories.

In attachment also the "Folders.jvi" I am now using for that custom view.

Thanks and regards, Andrea[/list]


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Re: Needing some help for "tuning" an old customized view from "RD James"
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2022, 08:08:46 am »

A semicolon has lots of special meanings in computing.  Depending upon the language or platform, semicolon can mean several different things.  Because of this, I believe you should never have a semicolon in a filename or folder name.  There are other characters you could use, like space for example, that probably convey the meaning you want.

I'm fairly sure that you will disagree with me and that's ok.  I posted this on the off chance that you would consider changing your folder names.

Good luck to you either way.


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Re: Needing some help for "tuning" an old customized view from "RD James"
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2022, 10:04:09 am »

Hello Brian / blgentry,

thank you for your reply and, yes, I have to agree with you, as well as also many other chars accepted by Windows filesystem naming have special meaning (+ - ! = ,).
So, almost impossible for me to guess years in advance (10+ years away) what chars I should not use.

Anyway, my library has now almost 7000 top level folders and many other subs... and I cannot check one by one in search of ";".
Do you have any idea of how to have some kind of automated reporting/listing of these directories?

And, again, really there is no solution / optimization at the old 2017 .jvi file/script from RD James?
I tried to modify it by myself, but I could only do worse, a lot worse, than the original.

Thank you and regards, Andrea


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Re: Needing some help for "tuning" an old customized view from "RD James"
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2022, 01:13:14 pm »

You can easily check for the presence of various characters in your filenames or folder names.  Start with the built in Files view under Audio > Files in the left navigation area.  In the file list, you should see column for filename.  That will show the full path including the drive, folders, and the file itself.

Now, go to the search box at the upper right and paste this in:

Code: [Select]
[filename (path)]=;
This will show any file name that has FOLDERS with a semicolon in it.  If you want to check the filename too, you can do that as well.

Good luck.


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Hello, thank you all for your kind support.

I found a solution and I share it in case others would be interested in.

This is the correct expression to use:
Code: [Select]
RemoveLeft(Replace([Filename (path)],;,|),3)&DataType=[list]
Regards, Andrea
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