Doof - Your right about the button at the top being sufficient for me.
If this button let me select individual tracks and add them one by one from screen to screen by simply clicking on it I'd be happy.
Unfortunately it only does this for the first selection when it is pressed the first time, after that it just jumps to the burn screen so can no longer be used.
Today for instance the weather was glorious so I wanted to make myself a really summery data mp3 cd for my car. I went through my whole collection and quick listened to each song that I wanted (like jumped quickly through it to remind me which it was). For the ones that weren't rated I rated them and then sent them to the burner.
Each time the sticky 'send to' kept changing from rating to burning meaning I was having to go two sub menu's deep for each of these 200 songs.
The quick rating feature just added (Ctrl+Alt+1/2/3/4/5) saved me soooo much time and I LOVED it -
(thanks to whoever's idea that was), unfortunately though it was replacing the sticky 'send to' item meaning I then had to go into send to, then into devices to see my poor lonely burner sitting there alone and select it
If I could have done something like: Ctrl+Alt+B to send them to the burner too it would have hugely sped up this whole operation
I just use Ctrl+A to select all so for me it's a TOP TOP level item - dont even need to reach over to the mouse to get access to it
But yeah, menu's are one thing that vary quite a bit depending on the user and what they do the most. That's why I love TopStyle Pro - lets you fully customise it to your needs
Their GUI is just soo nicely done in v3. Hats off to them.