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Author Topic: SOLVED (sort of) - MC 28 won't auto start  (Read 1379 times)


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SOLVED (sort of) - MC 28 won't auto start
« on: March 05, 2022, 01:31:49 pm »

I've used MC for years on my HTPC with autologin in Windows and MC set to start Client and Server on Windows startup. Since I upgraded to MC 28 however, the HTPC will autologin but MC does not AutoStart. I've double checked the MC settings and they're correct.

This isn't a huge deal of course, but it would be nice to get it back to AutoStart. Is there something I've missed about MC 28?


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Re: MC 28 won't auto start
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2022, 04:00:45 pm »

When Tools>Options>Startup>Window Startup is set to start MC28 with Windows, you can check the status in Windows Task Manager>Startup tab.
Toggling the MC28 startup option from 'Nothing' to 'Media Center' (or 'Media Server' or both) and 'OK'ing out of Options should cause an entry for MC28 to appear and disappear from the Task Manager Startup tab.

You can access the Task Manager Startup tab by right clicking the Task Bar, starting Task Manager and then select 'More details' from the bottom of the Task Manager window.
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Re: MC 28 won't auto start
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2022, 10:10:58 am »

Thanks Terry, yup, start with Windows is selected in options and Media Center 28 appears as an entry in the Task Manager startup screen (and references the right file). It just won't start with windows. Not sure what (if anything) I may be missing as I've never had this problem on any of my previous updates.


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Re: MC 28 won't auto start
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2022, 05:43:07 pm »

Media Center 28 appears as an entry in the Task Manager startup screen (and references the right file)

OK, that shows it is not an MC28 problem.

Check out some suggested fixes/work arounds for Windows 10 here:

Are you using something other than Windows Defender for anti-virus? Anti-virus can sometimes prevent programs running at startup.

If you find a fix post back here, it may help others in the future.

Good luck,

Good manners cost nothing.
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Re: MC 28 won't auto start
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2022, 11:24:20 am »

Terry, thanks for the link. Ran the DISM tests but everything was fine. Haven't had time to work through other methods yet (company) but will get to those this weekend.
BTW didn't intend to imply MC was at fault, just that it only appeared when MC 28 was installed (haven't tried MC 29 yet but might upgrade before setting up an alternative autostart schema).
Also BTW, only use Win Defender for AV etc.


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Re: SOLVED (sort of) - MC 28 won't auto start
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2022, 12:39:38 pm »

Well, finally got MC 28 to auto start but not by the startup setting in MC itself. That is now turned off. Needed to copy the executable into the startup apps folder (shell:startup in run) and make sure that MC 28 was marked as ON in the settings startup apps screen. Go figure, have no idea what happened to block it from starting in the normal way. Once I upgrade to MC 29 I'll post over there if the same thing is necessary.

Thanks Terry

Edit - MC 29 did not experience this issue and didn't require any alternative setup. I must have gotten something screwed up when I installed MC 28


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Re: SOLVED (sort of) - MC 28 won't auto start
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2022, 12:53:29 pm »

Needed to copy the executable into the startup apps folder (shell:startup in run) and make sure that MC 28 was marked as ON in the settings startup apps screen.
Instead of copying the whole executable to the Startup apps folder (if that is what you are indeed doing), try putting only a shortcut link there to Media Center 29.exe.  That works for me in MC 29.0.19, Windows 11.

Also, in the shortcut's Properties > Compatibility tab, try it with none of the boxes checked.  In particular, I have found for other apps that if "Run this app as administrator" is checked, the app does not automatically start up.

Edit:  I did not see your last Edit when I first posted this.  I'm glad you got it working.
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