Good News in MC 29.0.54: You can now easily switch from Modern Tag window to Legacy Tag window (and back) using their upper left corner drop down menus. Both windows allow direct access to playback controls while editing lyrics. However, the Legacy Tag lyrics box has the advantage of a
full height view, which reduces dependence on the inner scrollbar, altogether making it more efficient for editing large lyrics boxes

All Good FYI: As previously, if you check-mark the option for Lyrics field Data "Save in file tags (when possible)", edits get written into the media file when the track completes playback. To write sooner: stop playback,
RMB on track > Library Tools > Update Tags (from library).
Remaining issues:(1) Both Lyrics Tag editing boxes exhibit automatic contents highlighting. Additionally, when the Modern Tag lyrics box opens it jumps weirdly to expose only the last two lines. These highlighting schemes are goofy and bothersome in a potentially large text edit box like Lyrics. Request: no auto-highlighting and no jumping.
(2) The Modern Tag|Lyrics "Edit in Popup" opens a detached resizable window. Nice, but unfortunately it prevents access to playback controls as previously described in detail. Request: access to playback controls while popup is open.
[edited 5/29/2022]Win 11 (64-bit) MC 29.0.54