Yes that is the machine I am using as my server.
It is mostly used for watching TV from the screen directly connected to it but also serves 3 clients, and 99.9 % of the time only one of them is in use and even then, very rarely.
Most of the time, only one machine is ever used for watching TV, depending whereabouts in the house we are, so we are either watching TV on the server itself or on a single client, with the server then only being used for serving the client.
The CPU is (I know it's old, but the machine is nippy for everything other than switching TV guide groups) an i5-3470 @ 3.2GHz, quad core, 16 GB RAM. The GPU is an nvidia GeForce GT 1030. OS and MC are installed on an SSD. A separate physical disk is used for media and a separate RAID 0 array is used for recording TV and time shifting. The network is a dedicated GbE VLAN purely for the server and the clients with no other traffic.
I know there will be plenty of other jmark scores that are far in excess of mine, but the only real performance issue I have is with changing TV guide groups and the lag on that can be 5 seconds each time, which is enough to annoy my wife enough for me to make this post!
I do understand that the server could be running on faster hardware but for everything other than changing groups in the guide, it works really well.
I have worked with HTPCs for 20 years and was a beta tester for MCE from 2001 to 2013, and have used many other solutions, but JRiver's features definitely trump everything else so I made the switch around 6 months ago. I am relatively new to JRiver and I feel like I am maybe missing something config wise or have something mis-configured.