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Author Topic: JRiver don't count Albums as separate album, if they have the same title  (Read 2841 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 54


i search a lot to finally founded today that JRiver is not counting different albums with same title.
In Audirvana Studio software, i have 4026 Albums, in JRiver only 3978 Albums,
but the two softwares have 49068 tracks...

Here in the picture we could see that all those albums before my first one 'Lone Rhino' by Adrian Belew,
are all albums title that contains more than one same title... in the picture you see 5 albums that have the title 'Live'

So, i found that JRiver count those 5 albums as 1. Don't know if that can be arrange?

Thank you for reading.
If You Got Ears, You Gotta Listen – Captain Beefheart

MacMini 2018, 4xi3 3.6GHz, SSD, 20Gb, macOS 14.3 > Audirvana Origin 2.5.x >
Wyred DAC2 DSD Special Edition > Proceed AMP2 > Focal Cobalt 826 Signature Series >
Audirvana Remote > iPhone 13


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Please read about Tagging on the wiki.

To be an album, you need to have tracks that have the same information for Artist, Album, and Album Artist.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 54

Thank you for the reply,

they have...
selecting all tracks of an album, Artist and Album Artist are the same in all my library.

As you can see in the picture, they are all separate albums in my layout in JRiver... no problem there.
it is just the count that does not reflect the number of albums i have...

The first time i try to solve that, was by putting the same numbers of album covers by row in JRiver and Audirvana
and i couldn't found any difference why there was less album in count in JRiver ?? so i have the same amount in the 2 software, just the count differ

just today i saw those albums in the left panel that are in front of the regular alphabetic order...
If You Got Ears, You Gotta Listen – Captain Beefheart

MacMini 2018, 4xi3 3.6GHz, SSD, 20Gb, macOS 14.3 > Audirvana Origin 2.5.x >
Wyred DAC2 DSD Special Edition > Proceed AMP2 > Focal Cobalt 826 Signature Series >
Audirvana Remote > iPhone 13


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I think you're misinterpreting that view. It's showing you the Albums grouped by Album name ("Album" tag), and under the name "Live" it's showing you 5 different albums, each with a different Artist. So you have in fact 5 albums there.

If you use the Artist or the Panes view, you can find each of those albums under their respective Artist name.

Alternatively, you can right-click on the Audio tree node, click "Add Library View", and create a new Category view grouped by "Album Artist (Auto)" which better separates the albums into what you expect to see.

So the discrepancy in the Album count is not coming from this, it's something else. Have you considered that MC may be the right one? :)


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Assuming you have each Album on it's own folder, you can try to find Albums which share the same [Album Artist (Auto)] but are on different folders (so they would be considered the same Album despite being of separate folders):
- go the the Audio->Files view
- paste this expression in the Search omnibox:
Code: [Select]
~nodup=[Filename (path)] ~dup=[Album Artist (auto)]
This should show one file per each folder for duplicates of [Album Artist (Auto)]


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 54

maybe it is my english not clear :)

in the layout all are separated by the Artists, no problem...
in album view the are all separate also, no problem
in Artist view, the all have the album with the same title in the good artist, no problem there too

just the count differ the number appearing in JRiver is less

here a picture of Audirvana with total albums and tracks...
and second pict JRiver total album on left and total tracks at bottom.

it is not a big deal since now, i founded where those number differs
it will always be 48 albums difference till i have another album with same title :)

If You Got Ears, You Gotta Listen – Captain Beefheart

MacMini 2018, 4xi3 3.6GHz, SSD, 20Gb, macOS 14.3 > Audirvana Origin 2.5.x >
Wyred DAC2 DSD Special Edition > Proceed AMP2 > Focal Cobalt 826 Signature Series >
Audirvana Remote > iPhone 13


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Your english is fine.
But how do you know that it's MC that is wrong and not Audirvana? :)

Try the expression above, it's one possible explanation for the discrepancy. Another is perhaps the multi-disc Albums, perhaps Audirvana counts them as separate albums.


  • MC Beta Team
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Actually, sorry - I have to go back to my original explanation. That view is showing you the count for the total number of *distinct* album names, not the total number of albums. It's just a count of the number of nodes in that tree. I'm not sure where you can get an actual count of the number of distinct Albums, I'm sure there's a way - but that number is not it.

One more thing: there's a node in that list called "Unassigned". You may find multiple Albums under it.

PS: I got a possible true Album count by creating the view below.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 54

Thank again @zybex for answering... i don't want to take much more space here since i found my answer...

That view is showing you the count for the total number of *distinct* album names, not the total number of albums
that answer is OK for that view, thank you.

My question thread here was asked just because i don't trust by default Audirvana Studio :)
but if i had out of the 5 'Live' album titles, 4 more albums to the count, and had 3 more out of 4 'Volume One' named Album i have,
and all the others... it equals Audirvana Total Albums, so now, i know it is right there  :)

Now if JRiver wants to tell users how many Total Albums they have... this should be looked at.

Music is the best - Frank Zappa
If You Got Ears, You Gotta Listen – Captain Beefheart

MacMini 2018, 4xi3 3.6GHz, SSD, 20Gb, macOS 14.3 > Audirvana Origin 2.5.x >
Wyred DAC2 DSD Special Edition > Proceed AMP2 > Focal Cobalt 826 Signature Series >
Audirvana Remote > iPhone 13
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