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Author Topic: EQ tweak and other question  (Read 1073 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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EQ tweak and other question
« on: March 21, 2022, 07:49:18 am »

JR 28-to-29 two-fer:
Upgraded to version 28. Later version 28, so apparently can upgrade to version 29 sometime in April 2022. Tried to register version 29 yesterday, but no go. Version 29 trial period will last till sometime in April. Will try update to version 29 in April - hope it registers with my 28 registration. The buy one get two JR touted deal hooked me (v;

EQ questions:
Regular version 28 and 29 EQ (regular EQ, not Parametric EQ). Can JR EQ user change the Hz settings? Have two headphone EQ profiles I'm trying to set, but cannot change the set Hz as shown in Flat setting. Realize I can import EQ app from elsewhere, but want to stay within the JR toolset. I'm no fan of getting bombarded with ads, offers and email bothers from outside app nudger's, and  another user name and password? Heck no.


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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2022, 08:31:56 am »

You cannot adjust the frequency used by the sliders.  You can use Parametric Equalizer if you want full control.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2022, 02:46:23 pm »

You cannot adjust the frequency used by the sliders.  You can use Parametric Equalizer if you want full control.

All I see with PEQ is a big blank space.I don't understand how to use PEQ. Is there a JR user guide to JR PEQ?


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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2022, 06:34:38 am »

Looked at the wiki before I posted. The current JR PEQ too complex for me. Was not born with engineer gray matter. A simple ten slider EQ interface (+ pre-amp adjustment) would suffice.

Thanks just the same. Our digital lives. Part pleasure, part pain.


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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2022, 07:43:58 am »


rec head

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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2022, 07:46:46 am »

Graphic PEQ would be easier but here's a non-tech cheat sheet.

Gain: volume up or down

Frequency: This is what you refer to as Hz. Hertz is a measurement of frequency

Bandwidth (Q): This is weirder. The higher the Q number the narrower the band of correction is. I am making these numbers up just to make a point. Lets say on a 10 band EQ the Q=2. On a 20 band EQ the Q would be 4 because the distance between the slider frequencies is less so the Q is narrower. If you want to EQ a very specific frequency (Hz) then you use a higher Q. If you want a more general setting like more treble then you use a lower Q setting. The lower Q setting is like changing multiple sliders on a regular EQ. A higher Q setting is like only changing one slider.

It is easy to experiment with and not very technical really. If you are setting your headphones by ear this will take a little experimenting but you can get it pretty easy. If you need more bass but not sure what frequency to adjust got to the regular EQ and use the sliders to find out. The regular EQ is 20 band so it shouldn't be that hard.

Don't forget you can use both EQs.

Edit: mattkhan posted a better solution while I was typing.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2022, 08:28:35 am »

1.Don't forget you can use both EQs.
2.Edit: mattkhan posted a better solution while I was typing.

1. JR PEQ beyond my patience, JR EQ does not have option to adjust fixed Hz settings.
2. Yes appreciated that an effort was put into improving upon what was, but beyond my patience to work with.
Here's the JR EQ profile I'm looking to use with JR 29:
preamp -2.5dB
32 -0.4dB, 64 -0.2dB, 125 -0.2dB, 250 -0.2dB, 500 -0.3dB,
1000 -0.3dB, 2000 -0.4dB, 4000  2.6dB, 8000 -1.3dB, 16000 -0.3dB
Note: JR EQ Hz and khz settings: example: fixed at 31.3 Hz
I can get close to my preferred EQ, but 31.3 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz,
4 kHz, 8 kHz and 20 kHz cannot be set exactly to my EQ profile - thus I won't apply an "almost" EQ profile.
My opinion is that much in software is not created for layperson, so much as created by computer science majors, engineers, coders - with expertise and mindset to match. I hear other's complaining about this. Isn't the genius in software to "hide the complexity", and make it as simple as possible to use?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ tweak and other question
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2022, 08:44:07 am »

Many thanks for quick response from JR in
sending me registration code for JR 29.
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