There seems to be a bit more than just the registry entry under JRiver.
I'm trying to work on a solution.
Hey Ken!
I actually managed to get the MC21 version of the plugin to run on MC22!
I installed the MC21 version of the plugin on MC22 by changing the destination directory in the installer. As expected, this created the JRMCLCD directory with DLLs and an uninstaller. However, MC22 did not display the plugin in the Services area when started.
I opened the unins000.dat file in the JRMCLCD MC22 directory and saw that the MC22 directory was referenced correctly everywhere but in the Wow6432Node registry area, where it was apparently hard coded to the MC21 directory path. The Wow6432Node area is used by 32-bit applications running on a 64-bit version of windows (my case).
Using REGEDIT, I compared the MC21 and MC22 areas under HKLM-Wow6432Node and saw that the installer never created the JRMCLCD key in the Wow6432Node-MC22 area when I installed it.
I exported the Wow6432Node-JRMCLCD to a .reg file using REGEDIT's export file. I opened the file with a text editor and changed the destination to put the key into the MC22 Wow6432Node hierarchy. The file looked like this after the MC22 edit:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\JRiver\Media Center 22\Plugins\Interface\JRMCLCD]
"Copyright"="Copyright (c) 2015, Kensn"
I saved the file as "jrmlcd22.reg", double clicked on it, and saw a duplicate JRMCLCD key was created in the Wow6432Node MC22 area.
When I relaunched MC22, the JRMCLCD plugin was now visible and usable in the "Services & Plug-ins" area.
I'm guessing the same procedure would work to install the MC21 32-bit version on MC23.
I'm not sure how any of this applies to the 64-bit version, if at all.
Best regards,