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Author Topic: Feature Request: Improved control over cover art size display in Standard View  (Read 998 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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Issue:  The slider at the top right adjusts cover art size in current view.  However, there is no related number provided which would make it easy to set number of covers per line the same across different views.  One must do this "manually" by counting covers in each view and carefully tweaking the slider.

Request:  Provide a real time numeric popup on the slide adjuster which indicates the number of displayed covers per line in the current view.  Number/line updates immediately as you move the slider (or hover over it), then vanishes when you release the slider.  It takes into account the screen resolution and full monitor width, so if either changed, then the actual size of the artwork would adjust accordingly to preserve number/line (i.e. number is preserved on different size monitors).

Suggested details: Number/line respects the thumbnail spacing setting and applies to left panel closed in Single View at full screen width.  Artwork size remains fixed when left panel is visible, panel width adjusted, window size changes, or view is split.  Otherwise the size changes could be too frequent and disturbing.

History:  I guess that many people have desired this type of feature for a long time.  Here is one reference:

MC 29.0.38  Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)


  • MC Beta Team
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This is a great idea and it would be a definite help. I love the idea of a tooltip pop up with a real-time per row cover count as you drag the slider... Brilliant.

Also a very nice organized presentation of the issue and thoughtful recommendations on implementation.


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I'm not too sure how to do this. 

Thumbnail size is stored as a number representing the height and width of a thumbnail.  There's no concept of "just show this many items."

And when you sized Media Center, the idea of "show 12 thumbnails across" could be kind of wrong.

Ideas welcome.  Thanks.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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I don't know MC's implementation details, but...

It appears that at any time all thumbnails are displayed with the same value of:

Effective Column Width = Thumbnail Width + Spacing (sum controlled by the slider)

That is, the thumbnails are neatly aligned into columns, independent of the underlying thumbnail's stored image size, so the relevant number here is the Effective Column Width.  I assume those numbers are available internally in real time?  If so, as the slider moves, calculate and display in real time a rounded integer number: 

#Thumbnails = (Window Width)/(Effective Column Width)

Window Width = full width of the current MC window (pixels), presumably obtainable from an operating system query, and includes both panels and view area, minus MC window borders.  With MC panels collapsed, #Thumbnails = number of visible thumbnails per row. If panels are displayed, #Thumbnails >= number of actual visible thumbnails in a row.  Nevertheless the number is valuable in terms of setting reproducibility and slider position feedback.  The user can always set #Thumbnails with the MC window maximized to full screen, in which case it provides a way to manually normalize the number of thumbnails per row across different physical displays on the network (server & clients).

Alternate implementation:  Always set Window Width = full screen monitor width

In all respects, the current slider behavior remains the same as it is today.  I am just asking for quantitative feedback in response to slider motion (the number disappears when not hovering over the slider).  In the underlying code, #Thumbnails is a "derived or reactive" number, not a "controlling parameter."  In this regard, the thread title may be a little misleading.

MC 29.0.74  Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
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