I have been using Media Center for years on both Mac and Windows and Linux but one pet peeve I have is the inability to find duplicate tracks with similar track name and length. This would be the case on compilations and best of albums.
So basically it would appear in the library as the same file with same stats and play count and metadata would be the same it would just be listed under multiple albums. So basically one track could be on more than one album?
I could save a lot of space if this was possible as I use FLAC files with Media Center.
Also this might be possible and I don't know how to use the feature yet.
One way of providing yourself with a list of those duplicates would be to set up a Smartlist for Media Type is Audio and in the Modify Results Section use:-
Only Duplicates of Artist, Duration, Name and then tell the smartlist to sort it on Artist, Name, Duration.
Caution: On a lot of Multi-Artist Compilation Albums sometimes the Duration is altered by the Compiler of the Compilation to get all the tracks they want on to each CD
Plus the Smartlist will only find those tracks where the Name Artist and Duration are Identical so it will not match "Our Lates Hit" with "Our Latest Hit [Edit] even if the Artist and Duration are Identical.
And no you can't replace a physical track with a link to a duplicate of that track.
As a fan of Multiple Artist/Themed Compilations I have loads of Duplicated Tracks retaining them, even though they do occupy disc space, is the only way I know of preserving the Integrity of the Albums they appear on.
Don't forget SSD's are a lot cheaper theses days - certainly a lot cheaper than the hassle involved in removing them can cause.