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Author Topic: Library lose file  (Read 3015 times)


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Library lose file
« on: June 02, 2022, 05:24:44 am »

Hello to all I use J river since version 17. Since this time my media library has obviously grown a lot Currently I have about 13700 cds or 197000 files stored in a nas netgear pro (4 DD of 4TO in raid) that makes about 4.8 TO . I say approximately because for some time I lose files inexorably: I miss 1 or more titles on certain CDs. It seems to me that this happens when importing new files : for example I import a new cd of 10 titles, the cd appears well with its 10 titles in "new album" but the media library instead of having 10 files more has several tens less (and the files really disappear from the nas which does not signal me any problem). Have I exceeded the maximum capacity of the J River media library? Thank you for your help because I am really desperate


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2022, 06:39:33 am »

That may be a NAS probleem.  Try updating the firmware.

It's not a limit of MC.

What version of MC are you using.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2022, 08:34:27 am »

Thank you for your reply. I use version 28 and my nas reports no problems.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2022, 09:37:12 am »

Thank you for your reply. I use version 28 and my nas reports no problems.
That may not mean anything.  Check for firmware updates.

Full version of MC?  28.0.106 is the latest.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2022, 04:18:17 pm »

Thank you for your answers I feel less alone. I am using version 28.0.106 of jriver. I need to find out how to access the nas settings : I am not a geek and I use Deepl for translation


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2022, 04:20:04 pm »

Ask Google.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2022, 02:52:01 am »

Instructions here:

Just open https://<ReadyNAS hostname> or https://<ReadyNAS IP Address> in a browser. Default username is admin with password password (you should change that!)

It's more likely that files are being deleted by some other process at an earlier time, and when you run auto import MC finds that the files are missing and removes them from the library, at the same time it adds your new album. So you need to find out what is deleting those files.

- check your antivirus logs; configure it to exclude your media files
- disable the NAS antivirus, if it has one
- check your NAS recycle bin, if it is enabled. Deleted files should be there for some time. Enable it if it's not enabled.
- don't use tools/options to remove duplicate files

Did you play the missing files recently? Did you tag them recently? Any correlation you can think of?


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2022, 12:43:33 pm »

Thank you for your help. I will try to give you as much information as I can. Chronologically: I modified the "genres" of many files at once and then some time later I lost my entire media library in one go. In the panic I repaired it with a backup I had and since I noticed that I was losing files little by little. Indeed, I lose files with each import, but I can also lose some without doing anything (and sometimes I recover some ? ) I had at first a computer under Linux then (after the crash) I changed for a W10. My NAS is a Netgear Readynas 2304 and the firmware is 6.10.5. I have the impression that the files disappear in a totally random way. I have not tried to change the settings of the nas because I am afraid of making mistakes. Do you think that the problem is necessarily at the level of the nas? In which case, if I change the nas the problem would be solved?


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2022, 04:22:36 am »

Did your files disappear from the NAS, or just from the library ?

If you restored a Unix backup on a Windows machine, it could be just that the name of the files, as seen from your computer, has changed (e.g.  /nas/music/file1.flac to  M:\music\file1.flac).

In that case, if JRiver does not find the files with their old names, it could just have removed them from the library, while still leaving them on the NAS.

Just a suggestion...


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2022, 04:29:40 am »

You are relying only on the file count. Do you actually know which files/albums are missing?
Moving from linux to windows is messy, and on top of that you had to restore an old DB. I think at this point you should just create a new DB and reimport all your music. Then see if the problems persist.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2022, 09:43:59 am »

The files disappear from the media library and the nas. I have 12850 CDs in my nas, that's more than 193000 files. I don't know exactly which ones I'm missing: I'm noticing them one by one, even recently imported CDs can lose titles. I would like to be able to solve the problem without having to re-import all my CDs, because that would take me several months. I recently made a backup, I was thinking of resetting my nas (or buying another one :-\) re-importing the backup and then adding the missing files piecemeal. Good idea or not ?


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2022, 10:03:36 am »

It's very unlikely that the NAS is 'losing' files. You're only going by the file count, and that's error prone.
Make sure to disable 'fix broken links' option in AutoImport settings. Run a full auto-import on your whole NAS to find all existing files

When you say 'backup', are you talking about an MC backup or an actual backup of the files on your NAS? The MC backup is only a backup of the database, it does NOT include any of your audio files. A restore would NOT bring them back!


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2022, 11:12:54 am »

The files REALLY disappear from the nas. My backup is a copy of all the "music" files of the nas The number of files I give is the number given by J River (and it decreases regularly)


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2022, 11:44:38 am »

 ;D Indeed, the "broken links" setting was safe, yes I set it to no and instantly the import started and found 730 files   The import summary now tells me 215976 files, however the number of files displayed at the bottom of the page has not changed: 193583. The number of albums is still 12863.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2022, 05:52:49 am »

;D Indeed, the "broken links" setting was safe, yes I set it to no and instantly the import started and found 730 files   The import summary now tells me 215976 files, however the number of files displayed at the bottom of the page has not changed: 193583. The number of albums is still 12863.

This just means your view is not showing you all files. You probably have other non-audio files imported (video, images/covers, PDFs, etc) which are not displayed in an Audio view. You need to create a view without any filters to see all the files at the same time. If MC says it has 215976 files, then it has 215976 files.

You can go to Services&Plugins->Reporter (on the left tree) to see the total file count for each type - Audio, Video, Image, Other. It may take a long time to open with your collection!


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2022, 07:47:36 am »

Yes, the difference in the number of files is certainly due to the non-audio files (booklet covers etc.). But the fantastic news is that with this setting, I don't seem to lose any more files ;D ;D ;D ;D . I started to add some lost files and the total increases well each time by the number of files added (before I added 10, I lost 20 or 30 :() and it seems to stay stable. I'm really happy and grateful for your help, I've been trying to understand and solve the problem for over 6 months, THANK YOU for your help. Now I have to re-import the lost files, and it will take a long time ::)


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2022, 08:45:03 am »

Years ago I was ripping CDs to the network drive scanned by MC via a very slow network connection. This slowed down the ripping process considerably, and often MC would recognize the presence of new files and complete the auto-import before the ripping process had finished. I'd have to manually complete the import.

I have improved my network setup since then, and I rip to a local drive and then copy to the MC destination (over the network) after ripping has completed. MC never misses any files now.

If you rip directly to the NAS try instead ripping to a local drive and copying to the NAS after the rip has finished.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2022, 06:12:22 pm »

Thank you for your advice, but I never had problems when importing new CDs (I recovered all the titles) but I regularly and randomly lost some 


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2022, 01:52:04 am »

I agree with DJLegga, with a large(!) collection like yours, it is a good idea to rip your CD on a temporary place on another computer: that way you can easily have a view containing only your recently ripped CDs. It is much easier to make a general check on the metadata you just imported, before having your new records lost in the jungle of your 200,000 existing records.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2022, 05:49:22 am »

Hello to all ;) It's been 10 days since I changed the automatic import setting following this advice: "Make sure to disable 'fix broken links' option in AutoImport settings" and since then, as if by miracle, my media library doesn't seem to lose its files anymore. I started to re-import missing files from a local backup and it seems to work. Before going any further (I have just finished the "A" :-[ ) I would like to be sure that I have solved my problem and not just, as the French expression says, broken the thermometer  ;) Can you explain to me what is the purpose of this function "fix broken links" and confirm its role in the loss of my files in my nas


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2022, 06:41:49 am »

"Fix broken links", if I remember well, removes from the (logical) library files that appear to be no longer physically present on the disk.
By default, it does nothing if a whole drive is missing.

We can continue in French if you feel more comfortable.


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2022, 08:06:57 am »

Ah oui en français cela va être bcp plus simple (bien que DeepL fonctionne étonnamment bien) Donc, et si j'ai bien compris, en réglant cette fonction sur "non" la médiathèque continue d'afficher des fichiers qui sont plus dans le nas. J'ai juste "cassé le thermomètre" et le problème n'est pas résolu . Il se situe certainement au niveau du nas . On me conseille de réinstaller le firmware , je vais essayer de trouver sur Paris un pro pouvant me faire ça (je m'en sens pas capable) sinon je change de nas pour prendre un Synology qui me semble être plus "grand public" que mon ReadyNas RNR-4C


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Re: Library lose file
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2022, 01:19:42 am »

[Switching to French board]
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