So assuming the new Synology is on the same LAN... then after running the Hyperbackup, I'll also assume the only change to the path name of each track would be the name of the NAS... correct?
So old path would be something like \\OLDNAS\Music\Artist\Album\TrackName.FLAC
And new path would be \\NEWNAS\Music\Artist\Album\TrackName.FLAC
So assuming the above scenario... you'd go to Audio... Files... (select All). Then Tools.... Library Tools.... Rename, Move & Copy...
- At the top drop down select "Update database to point to a new location (no file rename, move or copy)
- Uncheck the Directories box
- Uncheck the Filename box
- Check the Find and Replace box
Find What? OLDNAS
Replace with ? NEWNAS
- Click OK
That should do it for the library. Everything should work as with the OLDNAS (provided the permissions with the NEWNAS are identical to the OLDNAS). If they are not (e.g. usernames, passwords, read, write, etc) you could have access problems.
Then if you use Auto Inport... go there and edit the path for your import folders to match that of the NEWNAS. That should do it.