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Author Topic: How to subtract one playlist from another?  (Read 1015 times)


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How to subtract one playlist from another?
« on: September 21, 2022, 01:01:33 pm »

I'd like to create a playlist that contains songs from one playlist that aren't in another. Like:  Playlist X = Playlist A - Playlist B

Assume the playlists are static and were created manually so there's no expression that would create them.

I've tried what I thought might work in a search expression but no success.

p="Playlist A" -p="Playlist B"

I expect it may require a fancy Modifier term in the search expression but I'm not to that level yet with the Expression language.


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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2022, 01:20:42 pm »

I just did this with a Panes view that shows my playlists.

I did Customize View and then "set rules for file display".

Under that I did
Playlists "is any" Playlist1
added a second rule:
Playlists "is not any" Playlist2

It did what you want:  Everything from Playlist1, except for those songs that were in Playlist2.

Hope that helps.


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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2022, 01:42:25 pm »

I just did this with a Panes view that shows my playlists.

I did Customize View and then "set rules for file display".
Hope that helps.

Oooops, I keep forgetting a complication that makes it a bit less straightforward.

Playlist A is ALAC compression, Playlist B is AAC compression. So, it isn't exactly the same song in both playlists since they are different files in the library. They share the same Artist, Album and Name.

What I'm trying to determine is what ALAC songs don't have an AAC counterpart.


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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2022, 01:51:07 pm »

The only way I can think of to do it with MC:

1.  Make list of all of the ALAC songs you are interested in.
2.  Use a duplicate finder view like the one I made to find duplicates of Name, Album, Artist.  Add criteria to narrow it down to the ones you want.  You could make a smartlist with the correct parameters, or you could cut and paste the output of this duplicate finder into a static playlist.
3.  Now do a view/smartlist that subtracts 2 from 1, as I outlined above. 

That should yield your ALAC songs that do not have an AAC counterpart.  I think.



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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2022, 01:53:13 pm »

p="Playlist A" -p="Playlist B"

In a smartlist, this should have worked. Why didn't it? I mean, what were the unexpected results?

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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2022, 02:07:24 pm »

The only way I can think of to do it with MC:

1.  Make list of all of the ALAC songs you are interested in.
2.  Use a duplicate finder view like the one I made to find duplicates of Name, Album, Artist.  Add criteria to narrow it down to the ones you want.  You could make a smartlist with the correct parameters, or you could cut and paste the output of this duplicate finder into a static playlist.
3.  Now do a view/smartlist that subtracts 2 from 1, as I outlined above. 

That should yield your ALAC songs that do not have an AAC counterpart.  I think.


Yes, that did work as you outlined. thanks.


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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2022, 02:09:26 pm »

p="Playlist A" -p="Playlist B"

In a smartlist, this should have worked. Why didn't it? I mean, what were the unexpected results?

I think you're right but as I added later: Playlist A is ALAC compression, Playlist B is AAC compression. So, it isn't exactly the same song in both playlists since they are different files in the library. They share the same Artist, Album and Name.


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Re: How to subtract one playlist from another?
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2022, 03:31:02 pm »

Create a smartlist C containing all duplicates (C = Only Duplicates of Album;Artist;Name). Perhaps you already have one.

Then use that to find files that are in A or B but not in C:
p="A","B" -p="C"
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