There is still another server error returned for valid SetInfo request when data type is Date or Date (float) and data is not changed. Could you also fix this. If server error response cannot be changed, could you please at least add that "No changes" note to Date scenarios also.
This was partially fixed years ago to other field types.Example:
This call will work the first time (if the value provided ultimately changes the "Date" field):
Calling it again will fail, and there is no informational "No changes" message returned. So it's impossible to determine the difference between a benign 500 server reply and a fatal 500 error.
If the field is changed to be a String field, such as Comment, then the correct informational "No changes" is returned in the server 500 error when there are no changes, so the 500 "error" can be safely ignored.
And using an unformatted value for a Date field works correctly, the No changes message is returned on subsequent runs, or it just accepts the value and never produces an error.