More > JRiver Media Center 30 for Mac
Remaining Problems
Dear Brian,
don't worry about your style. May be that my style isn't always polite, too. Sorry, if it sometimes sounds like that.
--- Quote from: blgentry on October 16, 2022, 06:48:25 am ---MC removes underscores ON PURPOSE because they generally denote spaces so MC converts them when it reads them.
--- End quote ---
That's a typical WINDOWS behaviour. I never had that on a Mac before and I am working for 30 years on that system (the LC II was my first).
There are still many things that show that this is originally a Windows program and not totally transferred to the Mac.
But after the copy, paste problem from the clipboard was solved there is some hope on the horizon that more thing will change.
Perhaps the still remaining issue with diacritical characters comes from a similar problem like that with the clipboard.
Files with diacritical characters on the HDD and imported in MC still are misread. Try yourself with a nonsense named file like: "Track 01 Überschlag ähnlich à",
import that into MC and look to the name tag. MC reads it as "Track 01 U berschlag a hnlich a ". Then copy it and paste into the album tag field: the letters appear correct.
I have no idea why this happens. Perhaps you or someone of the developers?
As I often wrote in the forum and am telling to all people who are looking for the best music (and much more) program for the Mac:
despite all problems this is the best program of its kind for the Mac and there is nothing comparable.
--- Quote from: aliciaviola on October 16, 2022, 09:55:39 am ---Dear Brian,
don't worry about your style. May be that my style isn't always polite, too. Sorry, if it sometimes sounds like that.
That's a typical WINDOWS behaviour. I never had that on a Mac before and I am working for 30 years on that system (the LC II was my first).
There are still many things that show that this is originally a Windows program and not totally transferred to the Mac.
But after the copy, paste problem from the clipboard was solved there is some hope on the horizon that more thing will change.
Perhaps the still remaining issue with diacritical characters comes from a similar problem like that with the clipboard.
Files with diacritical characters on the HDD and imported in MC still are misread. Try yourself with a nonsense named file like: "Track 01 Überschlag ähnlich à",
import that into MC and look to the name tag. MC reads it as "Track 01 U berschlag a hnlich a ". Then copy it and paste into the album tag field: the letters appear correct.
I have no idea why this happens. Perhaps you or someone of the developers?
As I often wrote in the forum and am telling to all people who are looking for the best music (and much more) program for the Mac:
despite all problems this is the best program of its kind for the Mac and there is nothing comparable.
--- End quote ---
I'll take a look at this one, seems like it might be the same fix as the copy/paste:
Try yourself with a nonsense named file like: "Track 01 Überschlag ähnlich à",
import that into MC and look to the name tag. MC reads it as "Track 01 U berschlag a hnlich a ". Then copy it and paste into the album tag field: the letters appear correct.
How are you importing it in?
Manual import of a folder?
Drag and drop into MC?
If I look at the tags of a file imported with MC's auto-import it looks OK to me.
I import it mostly with drag and drop to the icon in the dock.
But often it is imported by auto-import from the downloads folder or one of the external drives.
And: it's important not only to have a look to the tag but to make a click on it.
On the first view it seems to be ok but after a click in the tag field all appears as I described.
At least on my Mac (in Germany).
Clicking on the Name in the tag field works fine for me.
I have some suspicion about pulling filenames from the clipboard in MC with regards to the Decomposed UTF-8 thing but I can't reproduce the issue yet.
The drag filenames to the icon doesn't work for me.
Can you take a screen video of this on your Mac while you do that?
You can email it to bob (at) jriver (dot) com
Dear Bob,
I just sent you an email with a video.
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