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Author Topic: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated  (Read 5793 times)


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Updated (05-February-2023)
I've added:-
2 Variants of a  New Skin - ET Platinum Jubilee I & ET Platinum Jubilee Platinum II plus ET Platinum Jubilee Ultimate I & II TrackInfo Plugins
Ultimate I & II TrackInfo Plugins for all of Marko's - Arctic Winter, Black and Blue, iCopy 9, Knit-Knots, Seamless and The Fly Skins

ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0

What's new in V3.0

Since the Ultimate I & II variants automatically switch between Classical and Non-Classical display modes the ET xxxxx TrackInfo, ET xxxxx Classical TrackInfo and ET xxxx Lyrics variants have been discontinued.
The only true differences between the two variants is the order of the Options on the DropDown Menu and by association the 1st page that gets shown on Track or Plugin Changes.
For Ultimate I the order is "Track + Album Info, Lyrics, Tags, Search for..." - with the "Track + Album Info" page as the 1st one displayed.</br>
For Ultimate II the order is "Lyrics, Track + Album Info, Tags, Search for..." - with the "Lyrics in 2 Columns with Horizontal Scrollbar" page as the 1st one displayed.</br>

The Plugin Names have been changed: -
I've removed the word "TrackInfo" from the end of ET xxxxx Ultimate I & II plugin names and the xxxxxxx part of the plugin name is now the name of the skin that plugin is to be used with, so "ET Darkness Ultimate I TrackInfo" is now "ET ModernCards Dark Ultimate I"

Unlike in earlier versions, where the Refresh button/option was on the Menubar, in this version clicking on the CoverArt, displayed below the Menubar on every page, will reload/refresh the page.

There is a new Dropdown Menu on the Menubar "Search for...." and a "Lookup Lyrics on Google" option has been added to the Lyrics Dropdown Menu....

Search for... Dropdown Menu Options:-
Info about Artist on Wiki
Info about Album on Wiki
Info about Track on Wiki

Album Art on Google
Artist Images on Google

The "Lookup Lyrics" option and the options on the "Search for ...." Dropdown Menu all open a New Browser-Engine Page outside of MC

V1.0 had 12 Variants
V2.1 had 25 Variants
V3.0 has 70 Variants as there is now an Ultimate I & Ultimate II Plugin for each of these skins:-
Arctic Winter by Marko
Arctic Winter HC by Marko
Black and Blue by Marko
Black And Blue Too by Marko
Black And Blue Too (SB) by Marko
Black And Blue Too HC by Marko
Black And Blue Too HC (SB)by Marko
Black on Black
Blue Steel
Dream in Blue by HPBME
ET Blue Card I & II
ET Gold Card I & II
ET Grey Card I & II
ET Nite n Day I & II
ET Platinum Jubilee I & II
ET Silver Card I & II
Green Eyes
iCopy 9 by Marko
Knit-Knots by Marko
Knit-Knots NSB by Marko
ModernCards: Dark (The new name for the ModernCards: Dark Edition Skin)
ModernCards: Grey Edition
ModernCards: White Edition
Pearl Bailey
Seamless by Marko
The Fly by Marko

This PIX01 Gallery contains screenies for the Ultimate I and II variants for each skin -
This PIX01 Gallery contains screenies for all the Lyrics, Track + Album Info and Tags Pages, alternating between Classical and Non-Classical Display Modes -


ET Standard View Skins V1.0

N.B. Whilst these skins can be used in earlier versions of MC some of the features mentioned below will only work in MC 30.0.34 or higher!

ET Skins are a family of Lightweight Skins available in 6 colour themes and 2 variants:-
ET Blue Card I & II
ET Gold Card I & II
ET Grey Card I & II
ET Nite n Day I & II
ET Platinum Jubilee I & II
ET Silver Card I & II

The ET xxxxx I variants use Customised small (64x64) icons and large ViewHeader (256x256) icons.
The ET xxxxx II variants use Standard small (64x64) icons and large ViewHeader (256x256) icons.

They are the First Skins to:-
Use a Smaller/Restructured Template/Layout (skin.xml file) which contains extensive comments/notes to make it easier for individual users/skin creators to customise them,
Make fuller use of the changes made to the MC Skinning Engine that give the Skin Creator greater control over how their skin looks,
The Modern & Legacy Tag Windows use the same Tag/Field Name & Content Background & Text Colours,
The Red Surround that appears when editing a Tag/Field in the Tag Windows has been replaced by one that uses the Tag Windows Background Colour,
They don't use Faded Text in places like the Search Bars,
They all use a customised Spotlight image/icon and not the Standard one,
They use the Platforms Minimize & Restore Window Buttons and not the Left and Down Arrowhead icons/used used by a lot of skins to Expand/Collapse Categories/Sections in the Tree and Modern Tag Window,
Plus the Platforms Close Window Button in the Action Window and Tag Windows,
On the Win & Linux Platforms they use the Square Buttons that appear in the top right hand corner of every window/page,
on the Mac Platform they use the Round Buttons that appear in the top left hand corner of every window/page,
The ET xxxxxx I Variants use customised versions of all the small (64x64) icons/images currently in use, the ones seen in the Tree, Toolbars and various Forms/Windows and all the large (256x256) ViewHeader icons/images, the ones seen on the "Drives & Devices", "Services & Plug-ins" Pages/Views and several other Pages/Views
The ET Nite n Day Skins are the first ones created by somebody other than JRiver that Transition between Day Time (Lighter) and Night Time (Darker) Modes.

This PIX01 Gallery contains screenies for the ET xxxx I and II variants of each skin - 


Where are they?

Unlike the earlier versions of the Plugins which were on the JRiver Media Center Accessories Page the ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 are in the Camelot SuperStore -

On every page that allows you to Download a Skin or TrackInfo Plugin you will see options/buttons in the Left Panel that allow you to download the Skin/Plugin as a xxxx.mjp file or as a file.

xxxx.mjp files are used as Triggers for the MC Package Installer
Once they are downloaded you simply Run/Open them to install the relevant Skin or TrackInfo Plugin. files are Compressed Folders/Files that have to be Extracted/Unpacked to make them usable
Once they are downloaded you have to Extract/Unpack the Folders/Files they contain.
*.zip files are mainly used when the user wants/has to install a Skin or TrackInfo Plugin Manually,
or by Users who want to Modify/Customise the Skin/Plugin before installing it,
or by Users who have Modified/Customised a Previous Version snd want to copy those changes to the new version before installing it.

Thanks to a bit of Merlin's Magic you can Download "Skin", "TrackInfo" and "Skin + TrackInfo" Bundles as xxxx.mjp and files
Prior to the release of MC30.0.47 the MC Package Installer could only Install one Skin or Plugin each time it is run/used.

So there are 2 types of bundles available:-
Bundle(s) for MC30.0.47 or Higher as a single *.mjp file,
Bundle(s) for Earlier Versions of MC as a set of *.mjp files inside a single *.zip file.

If you are running MC30.0.47 or higher running/opening the downloaded *.mjp file will result in every Skin and/or TrackInfo Plugin in the Bundle being installed.
For earlier versions unpacking the downloaded *.zip file will result in mjp files for every Skin and/or TrackInfo Plugin, in the Bundle being placed in the same folder.
You then have to run/open every *.mjp, one by one, to install the Skins and/or TrackInfo Plugins in the Bundle.
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

ET Skins, TrackInfo Plugins and Other Goodies -


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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2023, 12:21:27 pm »

How does one install this plugin? I downloaded a folder with .js, .css, and .html files. but I don't know what to do with them?


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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2023, 04:09:12 pm »

How does one install this plugin? I downloaded a folder with .js, .css, and .html files. but I don't know what to do with them?

You simply copy the Folder the files are in to the relevant Media Center nn/Visulisations/Track Info Folder - where nn is the Version# of the copy of MC you have installed.
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2023, 05:48:39 pm »

Is there some magic to making these work on the Mac version of Media Center?  I'm not having any luck.


Wake Forest NC


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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2023, 04:45:46 am »

Apple made some changes to the way that Apps interact with the Safari Browser Engine in Ventura

So to get the TrackInfo Plugins working on the Mac you will need to Download/Install:-

MC 30.0.50 <URL>,134891.0.html </URL>


MC 30.0.55 <URL>,134993.0.html </URL>
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2023, 08:23:29 pm »

@English Tiger

the links to download .mjp files (for artic winter, specifically) are broken. 



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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2023, 12:03:33 am »

@English Tiger

the links to download .mjp files (for artic winter, specifically) are broken.

Thanks for letting me know - those links have now been corrected.
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2023, 01:56:58 am »

thank you!


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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2023, 03:06:27 pm »

Hi, EnglishTiger!

Thank you for all your hard work :)

I was wondering, is it possible to change the font in ET Blue Card Ultimate I TrackInfo so it matches the font I am using for the rest of JRiver?  I am a newbie and I can't find how to change it.



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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2023, 02:07:10 am »

Aldo - To change the font the plugin is using you need to copy the file called et_layout3.css from the MC Plugin Folder to somewhere like your Documents Folder.
The open that copy in a Text Editor and edit/change every line that contains - font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; (there are 34 of them)

Since the Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif part of that line is telling the Plugin to use the 1st Font in that ", delimited List" it finds on you PC I suggest you add the Name of the Font MC is using to the front of the list.
If the font you want to add has any spaces in its name, like Times New Roman, then you have to add it to the list with leading and closing quote marks around the font name to ensure the Browser Engine uses all of the font's name in its search.

Thankfully a decent Text Editor should allow you to carry out a Bulk "Find and Replace".

Once you are satisfied that every where "font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;" statement/line has been changed save your modified version of et_layout3.css and then copy it back into the relevant folder for the Plugin, allowing it to Overwrite/Replace the existing file.

If your changes/edits were successful then the Plugin should now be using the same font as MC, thankfully any mistakes you made while editing the file will result in the Plugin still using it's original font.

Unfortunately individual character sizes can vary from font to font so you should check to see if changing the font has Visually Impacted the Navigation/Menu Bar and the Header/Title Bars on every page.

If it has then you can probably correct/remove that "damage" by reducing, or increasing, the font-size value in one or more of the following sections in et_layout3.css
For the Navigation/Menu Bar :- .topnav a, .dropdown .dropbtn, .dropdown-content a
For the Column Headers on the Track + Album Info Page - .c2-header and .c3-header
For the Column Header on Lyrics Pages - .c4-header
For the Column Header on Tags Pages - .c5-title
Decreasing the %value will decrease the size of the font and Increasing it will increase the size of the font.

P.S. Thank you for you kind words, its nice to know that somebody appreciates the time and effort I put into creating and testing my Track-Info Plugins, Skins and Web-Site.
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2023, 06:51:21 pm »

Whoops -- looks like I broke something as now MC 30 for the Mac crashes the moment I select "Track Info" in the Player tab, whether I use the changed et_layout3.css, the restored et_layout3.css, or any of the available Track Info options, or whether I restore the entire J River folder in the Application Support folder.

Oh, well.


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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2023, 12:19:38 pm »

@ET:  I'm really liking your Track Info Plugin ET Darkness - Lyrics (download Ver. 2.1 Dated 12-13-2021).  However there is one feature which works fine in MC's "Cover Art" lyrics display, but fails in ET Darkness - Lyrics:

I am editing [lyrics] in the tree with MC's built-in editor, usually while playing the track whose lyrics are being edited and simultaneously viewing it with MC's "Cover Art" lyrics in the Content Panel.  I make a text change, then Close the editor, and the text change appears within a few seconds in MC's "Cover Art" lyrics display (even while the track is still playing).  However if I am using ET Darkness - Lyrics, then the text change never appears until after I select another track and then return to the edited track.  i.e. there is a really annoying update lag in your plugin that seems to require a full re-reading of the edited track after leaving it.

Any chance of fixing this?

Windows 11 Pro (64-bit)   MC 31.0.44


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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2023, 01:14:10 pm »

Mark - After editing the lyrics and closing the editor window, clicking on the Track-Info "Refresh" button, it's on the menu bar, will "reload" the page to show the Edited/Corrected Lyrics
Apple Mac Mini Desktop Computer with M4 Pro chip with 12 core CPU and 16 core GPU: 24GB Unified Memory, 512GB SSD Storage, Gigabit Ethernet, 3 Thunderbolt5 + 2USBC ports.

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Re: ET TrackInfo Plugins V3.0 and ET Standard View Skins V1.0 Updated
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2023, 01:58:14 pm »

Mark - After editing the lyrics and closing the editor window, clicking on the Track-Info "Refresh" button, it's on the menu bar, will "reload" the page to show the Edited/Corrected Lyrics
Cool, that works.  Like of course I should have noticed it, but didn't. :)

Maybe someday your "Refresh" could be automatic upon Close of the MC lyrics tag editor?  That was my workflow habit before trying ET Dark - Lyrics.  So I may revert to "Cover Art" during editing, when needed, to avoid multiple "Refresh" clicks.

BTW, I changed the colors in a few text Tags in the plugin's et_theme_dark.css for consistency with my color scheme.  Thanks for making that so easy with self-documentation.
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