I think he means that even if you sort Playing Now by name, it's going to play in the order specified by the Seq column, so why bother have it hold the sorted view? I'll let you two debate that one.
would it be better to use forward order if the last sort happened within 1 second?
That could work. Although, using the wizard to specify the sort order is fine too.
I think there should be options for what types of things you want to be sticky. For instance, while I love that I can have different columns showing for different views, I don't care to have a View Scheme remember that I sorted it a certain way. I may have only wanted to temporarily sort a view by Name to find a particular song, then want it to go back to the more complicated Artist - Year - Album - Track# sort.
And I can see times when I want to add a column to everything, and having to jump in everywhere to do that would be a pain.
So options for what we want sticky would be really nice.
Maybe have the sort criteria specified in the view scheme override any manual sorting?
How about a right click option on column headers with options like "Stick to..." and "Unstick from..." with sub options of "this view only", "this view and all siblings", "this view and all children" & "all views".