on Today at 6:01pm, JaredH wrote:what abotu albums listed by track number Matt? We need the "track # for albums" back.
on Today at 6:33pm, Matt wrote:
I'm not sure we need it. Can't you just make "Track #" part of your sorting. (i.e. Artist, Album, Track #)
on Today at 7:00pm, JaredH wrote:because heres the problem.....i sort my colums like this Artist(ascending), Name(ascending). If i insert track number at the end....then the name sorting takes presedence over the track sorting....and if i put track # second and name third...then what happens is, in bigger lists that arent sorted by albums, istead of being in alphabetical order, they will be in track order for example.....Pearl Jam has 7 albums under it, if viewing each album separately, i want to be able to see the files displayed in the corrrect track order, but if im just viewing it under the Pearl Jam root....then what will happen is it will group the tracks like this (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,23,3,3,3,3,3,3) and so on, instead of in alphebetical order. Thats where the problem lies
on Today at 7:06pm, JaredH wrote:a better description of what im talking about would be this.....Pearl jam has 7 albums and it would list in order from track one to the last track......the first track of every album, then the second track of every album, then the third track of every album...and so on, down the list until it reaches the last known track....and each of those tracks would then be listed alhebetically, but if im under pearl jam (or anything else with albums) and not an individual album, i want all of the tracks listed alphebetically, regardles of track number