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Stuck in Scanning Music Library

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I got a second-hand Pono this week and it was working fine until I dragged and dropped a bunch of music onto it via usb. Ever since then it has been stuck on "Scanning Music Library" - so stuck that it doesn't show up on the computer any more so I can't get the music back off of it. I've waited nearly 24 hours. I've restarted it several times too. Don't know what to do.

Start by reading some of the other threads on this board.   It's possible you put files on it that the Pono can't read.  You could delete them and see if it boots.  (You may have to remove the card and do that on your computer.)

If that works, try a few ordinary FLAC files.

In general, don't bother with the internal storage, it's slooooowww and the transfer is sloooooow.
Use a SDCard with a SDCard reader in your PC and treat it as a handheld device in MC.
I have a 400GB one on my Pono and it works great.
The scanning process on large numbers of files is VERY VERY slow the first time. I just plug it into the charger and walk away. It eventually finishes.
If it doesn't you may need to find a way to reformat the internal storage.

It’s been a few days now and it hasn’t stopped scanning. I let it run out of battery but when it started up again it was the same thing. Last I tried it wouldn’t show up on the computer via usb so I can’t reformat or delete music as far as I know… any other ideas?

Thanks for the suggestions - it seems like I really messed it up. Wish it would work but don’t have much hope now


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