hi, i've exactly same situation... but in my case some time i forgot change sdr content brightness:) so would be very nice, if in settings start jriver will change that value automatically, or even best way if only sdr movie starts it's will triggering value from jriver new option, in my case it's 50... i better feel with 0 when i use internet include youtube, but when watch sdr movie it's stay look cool so i can forgot to change the settings in win11 to 50 that much better... all games that haven't hdr probably has autohdr so i haven't problem with that... only when whatch movie in jriver or netflix software... would be same cool if nvidia add that for certain software... but afaik they doesn't yet... just one option... hdr content don't change whatever you set in sdr content brightness so no problem if in any way jriver will push the trigger to set the value user choice... in ideal world set it back to another value after close jriver in my case 0... probably i must create same post like Dillon does on nvidia forum, if that setting can changed in nvidia control panel or nvinspector that's would be perfect