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Author Topic: Feature Request: Update name of the new tab generated from a Locate request  (Read 988 times)


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As previously stated (,135855.msg941119.html#msg941119) I really like the tab lock feature introduced in MC28,

Issue:  Start within a locked tab and then RMB > Locate > Artist.  As expected, a new tab is generated to the right of the locked tab.  However the name of the new tab is identical to that of the locked tab from which you started.  In general that name is "untruthful" since it does not reflect the contents of the new tab.  For this example, the new tab name should be the Artist name.

Feature Request: The new tab name generated from a locked tab RMB > Locate request should automatically update to reflect the new tab's contents per the Locate menu.  If the new name is way too long for a tab, then truncate it with "...", or just display the generic command name "Locate: Artist", etc.   Note:  The tab name update should also occur even when the starting tab is not locked.


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I locate Artist from a locked Playing Now and the name is just what I would expect.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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I locate Artist from a locked Playing Now and the name is just what I would expect.
I'm not exactly sure what you are describing here.  Precisely what is "just what I would expect"?

Apologies that my OP is not quite complete.  I actually get to the Locate menu from a tabbed view in my Contents Panel by either RMB on a small album cover in top section or RMB on a listed track in the lower section of the panel.  In either case, the new tab name retains the original name of the starting tab not the new contents, as described in OP.  For a Playing Now view, either locked or unlocked, I can get to the Locate menu only by RMB on track in lower section and then see behavior in OP.  I am using Audio tracks and views.

Applies to Locate > Artist | Album | Genre | ...   I am not talking about Locate > On Disk (inside Media Center).  That new tab indeed works nicely whether tab is locked or not.

Win 11 Pro (64-bit)  MC 31.0.9


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The behavior is somewhat inconsistent and would take work to further unravel all cases, but attached are screen shots for two typical examples:

Anat Cohen: RMB on album thumbnail > Locate > Artist.   New tab with album covers of the artist, but new tab name is unchanged (Step 1').

ABBA:  RMB on album thumbnail > Locate > Artist.   
Step 1:  New tab with single album cover of the artist and new tab name is unchanged.
Step 2:  After double clicking on the album cover in Step 1, display expands to show all of my album covers for this artist, and the tab name changes to expected text.

In other cases I get a stacked display of album covers with tab name unchanged.  Double clicking the stack expands the cover display and changes the tab name as expected.


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Sometimes locate simply does a search.  Doing Locate > Album in my audio view is one example.  It puts the album name in the search box.  In this case, it's right to not change the location text since you're at the same location.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Sometimes locate simply does a search.  Doing Locate > Album in my audio view is one example.  It puts the album name in the search box.  In this case, it's right to not change the location text since you're at the same location.
Wow, makes a whole lot more sense now, thanks Matt.   So the Locate tool can sometimes be viewed as a shortcut for MC's Search engine, in which case it "auto-fills" the Search box with data from the current selection.  It clarifies matters for me to keep an eye on the Search box when using Locate for the cases cited above, both to confirm the selection criteria, as well as to "x-out"/clear the search.  I never made this association before. :)

The original tab name governs how the search result is displayed (maintains the "MC location").  But the new tab name sometimes retains the original tab text unchanged, and other times indicates the search path.  This apparent inconsistency is what originally confused me (and still seems less than optimal), leading to this post.

I would like to see an asterisk "*" or other distinguishing symbol directly in the tab name as a warning/heads-up whenever the view is filtered with respect to the original tab, and hence does not show the complete named view.  When the view tab text itself changes to indicate a filtered view, then additional indicator is not needed.

Locate deserves a more detailed description in the Wiki.

5/13/2023 & 5/18/2023 Update for clarity (hopefully).
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