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Author Topic: Newbie question: How to separate volume controls when using vol -/+?  (Read 324 times)


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Hey everyone,
I'm useless at forums and new to anything but Windows Media Player so apologies in advance for something that maybe already discussed. I'm not very good with lots of words when looking through stuff so I might have missed it.

How can I separate the up and down volume controls from the player when it is open?
For example. I'm watching a YouTube video or something on one screen and JRiver is open on the other but I want the volume control to stick to the system if I'm not on JRiver. I like to listen to music and sometimes have a podcast on or play a game. If I have it on anything other than system, I lose all control of one application or the other with the vol + and - keys I have setup on a custom keyboard. It's set-up by VIA so all I know it to be is Vol + and Vol -, although I do know there is a specific code for the keyboard to recognise it.

Is JRiver linked to this code or does it just take over all volumes?
Whenever I use Internal I can't hear the audio coming from JRiver. I assume because I'm running through a Focusrite 18i20 for headphones and monitors.
System isn't good because I want to turn down the volume in JRiver but not the audio of the system.
Application basically disables the link from Vol +/- so I can't use those controls to turn down whatever else I'm doing and have to use the audio in the browser, say on the volume control on YouTube.

Am I missing something obvious or is there no possibility of doing what I require in JRiver?

Thanks for any assistance in advance!
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