I have been on a mission to digitise all of our old home movies before the camera and VCR die from the rubber component disintegration which occurs over time. I have about 1200 files digitised from DV tape from the MiniDV Camera, via firewire into an old PC running a free program 'WinDV' which capture the file. No problems there very few with dropped frames at all. I have left then all straight AVI files capturing the audio and video with standard settings in WinDV and imported all of them into MC library. This process has occurred bit by bit over several years.
I realise later that several of the files when imported into MC library get the attached error. The same file plays fine in bog standard Windows 10 'Films & TV'. After significant time trying to troubleshoot where the problem is it is not a version issue. All the files use standard codec for DV Video and PCM audio. I finally narrowed it down by using adding certain fields one by one into the MC Video Files view (or copy). The error occurs on files played in MC that have recorded audio of 32kHz while the ones recorded in 48kHz play fine without issue. Unfortunately the 32kHz sampled files are the majority. All of the audo streams on the captured video are PCM_S16LE, but vary in sample rate. I believe this was a setting I used in the camera on recording years ago - not the capture. So I cannot change it since the source is digtal already on DV tape. There is no problem with my hardware as suggested by the error - my hardware is detailed in my signature and is only ~ 2.5 years old.
Can anyone shed further light on why this is a problem for MC, given the crappy Win10 app plays them all fine, and what I can do to make them play fine?