I use John Cougar Mellencamp. I think one time he might have been Johnny Cougar. I think I know the beneficial usage of album artist but with all the meta data clean ups to be done, I decided to not use another field and another thing to edit. I really even like to keep genras to a minimum, which is a never-ending battle of internal debate. I keep all Beatles (including solo work) in a Beatles genre. There are only a few I keep this way and I know Technically a group or artist is not a genre, but it works for me. I do this for Dylan and The Rolling Stones. There are a couple of other candidates, but so far I've resisted. I have a need to "put on the top shelf" (as I use to call it) artists or albums I have just played too much and that need to "go on vacation" It's easy to isolate them this way.