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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 31.0.28 for Debian BULLSEYE (amd64, i386, arm64 and armhf)  (Read 1308 times)


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This is the latest build of MC31 for Linux.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted.

Linux AMD64:
Linux ARM64:
Linux ARMHF:
Linux i386:

Also in the latest repo, note, the BULLSEYE branch.

31.0.28 (6/30/2023)

1. Changed: Triple spaces (or more) were still causing Swap problems.
2. Fixed: Media Center could leak memory when parsing an invalid MP4 file.
3. Fixed: Spotlight was not loading properly.
4. Fixed: Double spaces are removed by the Swap(...) function to avoid problems they cause.
5. Fixed: Improved detection heuristics in black bar analysis for more confident results.
6. Changed: Re-position New and Popular playlist links under Cloudplay title text.
7. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
8. Changed: Updated Simplified Chinese translation (thanks YanJun Sun).
9. Fixed: The new formatted flag on Playback/Info was not working properly.
10. Changed: Slightly better handling of commas in the Swap(...) expression.
11. Changed: Tuned the Swap(...) expression based on feedback on Interact.
12. Changed: Updated libplacebo with a lot of tone mapping and gamut mapping changes for processing HDR videos in JRVR.
13. NEW: Added new options to JRVR for controlling tone mapping. Output -> Contrast Recovery Strength, Output -> Spline Contrast (advanced HDR settings), Advanced -> Use Tricubic interpolation for gamut mapping.
14. Changed: Black Bar Analysis uses a simple heuristic to improve the quality of the detection, and write a report into the [Video Black Bar Analysis Report] field.
15. Fixed: UI skin issues with Clouplay start page when not signed in.
16. NEW: New EXIF library with full read and write support for much improved JPEG tagging.
17. NEW: Added an option to Tree & View > Advanced to hide tab close buttons.
18. NEW: Added a Dehexify expression function.
19. NEW: Use skin colors for Cloudplay.
20. Changed: Added a "Formatted" parameter to MCWS Playback/Info to allow specifying if the return value should be formatted or not.
21. NEW: Added "Chapter" Mode to MCWS Playback/Position to allow skipping to a specified chapter.
22. Changed: Tuned the Swap(...) expression function to work better with big strings.
23. Changed: Cleaned up the escapement in the Base URL of the links dialog so it should not be necessary (but the search expression still needs escapement).
24. NEW: Added mode to the MCWS Playback/Position and allow passing a percentage (works with relative or absolute seeks).
25. Changed: The "Unlock All Tabs" menu option disables when all the tabs are unlocked.
26. Changed: The "Lock All Tabs" menu option disables when all the tabs are already locked.
27. Fixed: Black Bar detection would not reliably select different points in the video file in some cases.

31.0.24 (6/20/2023)

1. NEW: Added the chapter list to Playback/Info.
2. Fixed: TIFF files with JPEG encoding did not work properly.
3. NEW: Contrast Recovery for tone mapping HDR video in JRVR, which enhances the details of tone mapped video.
4. Changed: Various improvements to JRVR tone mapping, improving perceived saturation and other color issues.
5. Changed: Dynamic Tone Mapping (Peak Detection) in JRVR is now on by default, as well as in the Balanced and Quality presets.
6. Changed: When matching, Spotlight will ignore any extra user data in movie or tv show titles enclosed in brackets.  For example, "Avatar [3D]" will match just Avatar.
7. Changed: Loading and saving views also restores the tab locked state.
8. NEW: If more than one tab is open, the option to lock and unlock all the tabs is in the header menu.

31.0.23 (6/15/2023)

1. Fixed: The "Prefer DVD Order" option for TV Show lookup did not work properly with TheMovieDB lookups.
2. Changed: Black bar analysis skips more frames after a seek for decoding to stabilize before checking for black bars.
3. Fixed: Cloudplay would go to home page when there was an edit in another tab.
4. Fixed: Corrected the typo so the field is now "State/Province".
5. NEW: Added the tags City and State/Province and mapped them to the same IPTC fields for images.
6. Fixed: Seeking a video close to the end would cause playback to stop.


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Downloaded 31.0.28 and installed, but in about box app claims it is 31.0.29. Works fine though, just an oddity.


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Doesn't look like the new /Playback/Position Mode=% is working.  All it does is set the position to the beginning or end of the track depending on whether the position is positive or negative.

http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=5&Relative=1&Mode=%  goes to the end of the track
http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=-5&Relative=1&Mode=%  goes to the beginning of the track

Doesn't matter whether the mode is sent as a raw '%' or is urlescaped to %25

Code: [Select]
curl 'http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=5&Relative=1&Mode=%' 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Response Status="OK">
<Item Name="Position">1237984</Item>

Code: [Select]
Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Start
Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: URL: /MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=5&Relative=1&Mode=%
Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Finish (0 ms)
Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 133 bytes
Sharing Plugins: CHTTPRequestMessage::ReadPreamble: Failed to read Method
Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (2 ms)
General: CReferenceCountedSocket::Close: SOCKET_DEBUG: closesocket() closing 64
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::ProcessSeek: Start
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::ProcessSeek: Seeking to 245131.125 ms
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::ProcessSeek: Finish (18 ms)
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Finished feeder loop (bCancel: 0, bPlayed: 1)
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Sending EOF
Playback: CPlayerZone::JRPlaybackEngine_EndOfFile: Start

Fedora 40 x86_64 Xfce


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  • Shoes gone again!

Doesn't look like the new /Playback/Position Mode=% is working.  All it does is set the position to the beginning or end of the track depending on whether the position is positive or negative.

http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=5&Relative=1&Mode=%  goes to the end of the track
http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=-5&Relative=1&Mode=%  goes to the beginning of the track

Doesn't matter whether the mode is sent as a raw '%' or is urlescaped to %25

Code: [Select]
curl 'http://localhost:52199/MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=5&Relative=1&Mode=%' 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<Response Status="OK">
<Item Name="Position">1237984</Item>

Code: [Select]
Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Start
Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: URL: /MCWS/v1/Playback/Position?Position=5&Relative=1&Mode=%
Sharing Plugins: JRWebService::Process: Finish (0 ms)
Sharing Plugins: VHTTPMessage::Write: Wrote 133 bytes
Sharing Plugins: CHTTPRequestMessage::ReadPreamble: Failed to read Method
Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (2 ms)
General: CReferenceCountedSocket::Close: SOCKET_DEBUG: closesocket() closing 64
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::ProcessSeek: Start
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::ProcessSeek: Seeking to 245131.125 ms
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::ProcessSeek: Finish (18 ms)
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Finished feeder loop (bCancel: 0, bPlayed: 1)
Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Sending EOF
Playback: CPlayerZone::JRPlaybackEngine_EndOfFile: Start

It takes a percentage.  So use a fraction.  For example:
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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It takes a percentage.  So use a fraction.  For example:

HA! I didn't think of that.  Works fine.  Thanks Matt!!!
Fedora 40 x86_64 Xfce
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