More > JRiver Media Center 28 for Windows

Gizmo playback on my Arcam device pauses after each track

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My files live on my JRiver server upstairs in my 2 storey home. Tracks are alac or 320kb mp3. Probably 50/50. I play music throughout my home using old mobile phones connected to AUX devices without an issue. I love it. I bought a mid/upper range CD player and amp from Arcam (CD50 and SA20) which is set up in my lounge room (ground floor). I can use my phone's gizmo app, connect to my library server, and have gizmo play to the Arcam. BUT for some reason when playing a playlist, about 80% of the time, the track pauses at the end, and won't progress to the next track in the playlist. I need to manually skip to the next. I assume it is an issue with the setup with the Arcam and the gizmo app, as all other devices play as expected with no pausing.
Has anyone experienced this annoyance, and is there any advice to resolve it? I looked through the 28 support but can't find any advice.
Thank you

Is the Arcam being used as a DLNA or UPnP Renderer?

I think it's DLNA. The reason I think that is my JRiver server shows the Arcam in the list of devices in the Playing Now section. When I right-click it shows me the IP address, Associate with DLNA server (no options to select anything), and DLNA Controller Options (the second option is selected)

Is that not the correct answer? Is there a setting where I can find and confirm the question you have asked? This is frustrating me as it just stops at the end of almost every song. Is there any other questions that you can ask to help troubleshoot this one?
Please. Help

Controller options have settings.  Try changing them.  Start with SetNextAVTransport.


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