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Date imported oddities

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--- Quote from: paulrr01 on August 25, 2023, 06:35:16 am ---No problem with links or locations.
Problem is as described originally - 200+ albums have a 'new' date imported.
Question I have is again in the original post -  i.e.

"Does the following process seem like it may get me back to my normal situation?
1, take a backup as of now and make no changes to MC as an insurance
2, restore backup from 20/08/2023 @13:28
3, run 'auto import'"

--- End quote ---
Yes. That should get you back on track. However, unless you already know what caused this issue, you should also be looking to prevent this happening again in the future, which is why Jim mentioned...

--- Quote from: JimH on August 24, 2023, 12:21:17 am ---Search for "Fix Broken Links" in Settings and change it.

--- End quote ---
This won't work though, because the setting referenced is part of your 'Auto-import' setup, and that's not covered by the settings search. It's in the list of auto-import 'Tasks', and should be set to "protect files on missing drives". If it is already, then the reason for your wierd import dates lies elsewhere.


Thanks Marko for the confirmation of my approach being ok.

To clarify, ALL my media files are in one location on a NAS (M:\Music\<artist>\<album>

The rogue 200+ albums are not new, have'nt had any tags changed, have'nt moved folders.

I also have Logitech Music Server running on the NAS to serve Squeezebox Touch, this shows the correct view of recently imported albums (i.e. the 200 are NOT recent imports).
This very strongly suggests 'something' has happened within MC around the time mentioned above, it's never happened before and my hunch is that I'll not find out how it's happened......


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