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Author Topic: Two JRiver media servers using one MC application?  (Read 710 times)


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Two JRiver media servers using one MC application?
« on: August 25, 2023, 04:47:25 pm »

I'd like to run two media servers within the same MC application, if possible, and select/drive them to IdPi(s) using JRemote.

Server 1 -- 'Regular' use (original format, no DSP)
Server 2 -- 'Headphones' use (DSP)

Is this possible?

Note: I'm not getting results by adding a DLNA server. It's the 'full' / 'rich' JRiver 'media server' that I'd like to run a second version of.
Derek Pert
(Windows 11 Pro x64 / 32GB RAM)


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Re: Two JRiver media servers using one MC application?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2023, 11:35:22 pm »

You can use one Media Server and zones.  Each zone can have its own DSP settings.  Wiki.


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Re: Two JRiver media servers using one MC application?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2023, 07:54:20 am »

Thanks, Jim.

I created, then associated a new DLNA Server (w/ DSP), then associated that with a Dynamic Zone (one of my JRiver Id Pis). Using JRemote, I can now drive playback from my one MC 'Server' to that Id Pi, and hear the DSP. In other words, whenever I play from the one MC Server to that Id Pi, it's with the DSP I wanted. Nice.

However ... ideally, I'd like to be able to choose -- from JRemote -- which DLNA server (and therefore which DSP settings) I'm driving any particular Id Pi zone from, instead of being 'married' exclusively to one particular DLNA server association per Id Pi. In other words, I'd like to be able to go, physically to any Id Pi (e.g., an audio setup in a room driven by an Id Pi), and use JRemote to decide whether I'm hitting that Id Pi with the 'regular' or the DSP-'wet' stream from my MC server.

The use case is: I've made a headphone-focused 'listening station' in a room, and would like to be able to -- without needing to attend/change the physical server which is elsewhere -- choose whether I'm listening to headphone-related DSP 'wet', or dry/original streams from the one MC 'server'.

Any further tips/ideas?

I was thinking -- because I run everything in portable installed mode -- I could configure two MC application instances to run simultaneously, with just the DLNA DSP/conversion settings differing between the two: one named 'SERVER', the other named 'SERVER Headphones', or something like that. Maybe you can suggest an obvious/better way?

Hoping this makes sense. ;)
Derek Pert
(Windows 11 Pro x64 / 32GB RAM)


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Re: Two JRiver media servers using one MC application?
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2023, 01:01:45 pm »

Please read the wiki topics on Zones and ZoneSwitch. 

You can toggle between zones with Ctrl-T.


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Re: Two JRiver media servers using one MC application?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2023, 06:03:37 am »

Hi Jim -- thanks.

I completed the homework and made a few attempts. I don't think it's possible to do what I'm attempting via JRemote.

--I already have a Dynamic Zone which is an Id Pi.
--I can see how to set up multiple DLNA servers with different DSP, but I can only associate one of those with each Dynamic Zone (1:1).
--I think I'd need to be able to create a second Dynamic Zone for the same Id Ip, and associate that with a second DLNA server.
--However, when I attempt to Add Dynamic Zone... using the same device URL as the original, nothing happens (no second version of the Dynamic Zone appears for me to associate to a second DLNA server).

I'm not sure how ZoneSwitch is related as nothing here hinges on the content type; I'd want to be able to play any/all content regardless of type to the Id Pi with either original or DSP.
Derek Pert
(Windows 11 Pro x64 / 32GB RAM)
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